Ausschnitt eines Glasdachs des LC Gebäude

Vignesh Nambiar

Vignesh Nambiar


Vignesh Nambiar joined IOD as a Teaching and Research Assistant in September 2023.

Originally hailing from India, Vignesh completed his bachelor's degree with honors at Chandigarh University, focusing on Strategic Management and Marketing. Throughout his academic and professional journey, Vignesh gained a diverse set of experiences, including internships with Atmosphere Hotels and Resorts in the Maldives and Chegg India, a global ed-tech firm. His entrepreneurial flair is evident from his recent role as the Head Organizer of Entrepreneurship Avenue 2023, Europe's largest student-led entrepreneurship event series.

Currently in his second year of the Strategy, Innovation and Management Control (SIMC) program at WU, he also participates in ENGAGE.EU's Joint Programme in Digital Transformation and the Vienna Innovation Program. A globetrotter at heart, Vignesh has been academically engaged in multiple countries including the Maldives, United States, and India, demonstrating a strong affinity for international perspectives and interdisciplinarity in business.

With a robust academic foundation and a knack for innovation, Vignesh aspires to contribute significantly to the department and the broader community at WU.