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E&I project course "Industry & Innovation" wins "Best Presentation Award" at the Danube Cup Conference


The conference is set to highlight the trends in entrepreneurship and startup education, to share experiences and knowledge and point out applied measures which can be implemented at other higher education institutions, incubators or accelerators.

Around 30 courses and projects from 8 different universities were presented and discussed. E&I lecturers and researchers Monique Schlömmer, Benjamin Monsorno (both in the picture) and Jakob Pohlisch represented the institute on the ground at the Corvinus University of Budapest.

We are proud to share that among all presentations, our E&I project course “Industry & Innovation” was awarded as best presentation. The course was developed and organized by Jakob Pohlisch and Benjamin Monsorno and bridges the gap between real innovation challenges of firms and startups in the industrial sector and current entrepreneurship research and teaching methods. 

Congratulations to both!

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