Institute for Data, Process and Knowledge ManagementRSS

Business- and technology-driven innovations require formal concepts, models and techniques towards their realization. The Institute for Data, Process and Knowledge Management conducts research in this area with a specific focus on business process management, knowledge management, decision support systems, and the semantic web. 

The Institute for Data, Process and Knowledge Management is part of the Department of Information Systems and Operations Management

Guest Talk: Algorithmic tools for targeting sortition ideals

Bailey Flanigan  Date/Time: 19.02.2025, 12:00 Location: D2.2.094  Abstract  In the past few years, there has been a flurry of computer science research on sortition, the task of randomly sampling…

Guest Talk: Semantic Artifacts and LLMs: Use Cases in the OPC UA Industrial Standard

Nilay Tüfek Özkaya Date/Time: 12.02.2025, 12:00  Location: D2.2.094  Abstract  This presentation will explore the integration of natural language-based technical documents, ontologies, knowledge…

Current job advertisement (2304): Teaching and Research Associate

You want to understand how things are connected and make a fundamental impact? We offer an environment where you can realize your full potential. At one of Europe’s largest and most modern business…

Current job advertisement (2303): Teaching and Research Associate

You want to understand how things are connected and make a fundamental impact on the development of the Next Generation Data Ecosystems and Artificial Intelligence? We offer an environment where you…

Guest Talk "Industry 4.0 – what comes next?"

Roland Sommer  Date/Time: 11.12.2024, 12:00  Location: D2.2.094  Abstract  Industry 4.0 has been an engine of digitisation in manufacturing over the 12 years. There are several options, what might…

Jan Maly

We congratulate Jan Maly, who recently received the netidee Science grant. You can read more about Jan Maly's work and the grant here: From Doodle surveys to digital democracy: How can we make…

Open PhD positions# and PostDoc positions# in the Cluster of Excellence “Bilateral AI” at WU Wien

Open PhD positions# and PostDoc positions# in the Cluster of Excellence “Bilateral AI” at WU Wien (Vienna University of Economics and Business) We are seeking highly motivated and talented…

Current job advertisement (2257): Project Staff Member (PhD position)

You want to understand how things are connected and make a fundamental impact? We offer an environment where you can realize your full potential. At one of Europe’s largest and most modern business…

Featured in FALTER Magazine: Our Institute Delivers Core Business and Digital Economy Course to Record Student Numbers

The Institute of Data, Process and Knowledge Management at the Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU) plays a central role in delivering one of WU's most impactful courses:…

Vortrag/Diskussion "Digital Resilience. Europas Zukunft am Prüfstand"

15. Oktober 2024, 18 Uhr, Festsaal 2, Campus WU Die Veranstaltung wird vom Department für Wirtschaftsinformatik und Operations Management in Kooperation mit organisiert. Wie stark und…