Conference workshops

Our conference workshops are aimed primarily at PhD students attending the conference and explore the world of publishing, as detailed in the individual workshop descriptions below. Attendance of these workshops is free for all conference participants but we would ask you to register by emailing abc2020 [AT] (see also Contact). The registration deadline for all workshops is July 31, 2021. 

Conference workshop 1

Title: How to Advance Your Research Toward Publication

Convenor: Professor Melinda Knight (Editor, Business and Professional Communication Quarterly)

Conference workshop 2

Title: Collaborate with IJBC

Convenor: Professors Jacqueline Mayfield and Milton Mayfield (Co-Editors, International Journal of Business Communication)

Our proposed workshop will promote collaboration with the International Journal of Business Communication (IJBC) through scholarly works and developmental review. We will achieve these goals through a two hour interactive workshop. The first hour will discuss IJBC's role as a multidisciplinary, global leader in the field of business communication research, types of manuscripts that fit the journal's mission, developmental feedback initiatives for research, various benefits for authors and reviewers, recognition for collaborators, and an open forum for suggestions directed towards IJBC ‘s innovations and improvements.

The second hour will involve editorial and peer review of five page maximum IJBC article proposals submitted prior to the workshop by participants. We plan on facilitating and offering constructive feedback on how to develop these proposals into articles which can potentially be published by IJBC. The last fifteen minutes of this two hour workshop will be set aside for questions, although discussion is welcome at all times