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#Think Tank: Responsible Innovation 4.0 & Artificial Intelligence

At the #Think Tank “Responsible Innovation 4.0 & Artificial Intelligence” experts discussed how to put Responsible Innovation in the era of digitalization into practice. The event was organized by…

Guest lecture by Dr. Gabriela-Maria Straka (Brau Union Österreich AG)

The courses offered by the Institute for Managing Sustainability each semester provide insights into sustainability practice to the students. In the winter semester 2018/19, Dr. Gabriela-Maria Straka,…

„Best of Austria Award“ für WU Bildungsprojekt „Humor und Nachhaltigkeit“

Environmental protection, social responsibility and sustainable development are not necessarily associated with humor, but rather with a guilty conscience. The WU Institute for Managing Sustainability…

ESDN Conference: "Stakeholder-Policy Cooperation in the Age of the SDGs"

The European Sustainable Development Network (ESDN) Conference 2018 was held on 1-2 October 2018 in Vienna as an official event of the Austrian EU Presidency. The Institute for Managing Sustainability…

Europeans enjoy ever-healthier lives, but face increasing income inequalities

Significant progress in the area of health and well-being, but unfavourable developments in the distribution of income between rich and poor in the EU – these are the main results of the most recent…

Symposium: Improving Lives through Responsible Innovation - Practices and Challenges

During this year’s Academy of Management Annual Meeting in Chicago the symposium “Improving Lives through Responsible Innovation - Practices and Challenges” took place. The symposium was organized by…

New Eurostat report analysing progress of the EU towards its Europe 2020 targets

On 17 July 2018, Eurostat published its most recent flagship publication “Smarter, greener, more inclusive? – Indicators to Support the Europe 2020 strategy”. The report monitors the EU’s progress…

Impulse Talk about the SDGs at the CSR summer brunch at Gösser Brewery

André Martinuzzi, head of the Institute for Managing Sustainability, gave an impulse talk about the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a frame of reference for successful corporations and…

Responsibility in the spotlight at Europe’s largest conference for research and innovation

The ESOF is the largest showroom for EU funded research and annually attracts an audience of 4,000 individuals from industry, research, policy and civil society. This year, a particular focus was set…

"WU Stories of Impact"-project looks at the societal impacts of WU’s research

The WU’s research activities are a valuable contribution to the solution of current challenges with regard to the economy, society, the environment, culture, and politics. As a public institution, and…