[Translate to English:] Institut für Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement


Head of Institute

[Translate to English:] André_Martinuzzi

a. Prof. Dr. André Martinuzzi
andre.martinuzzi (at) wu.ac.at
Tel.: +43-1-31336-4698

Sustainability Management, CSR, Responsible Innovation, Circular Economy

André Martinuzzi began his professional career as a management consultant in the software sector, completed a doctorate in business administration, and earned his habilitation in environmental management and sustainability policy. Approximately 25 years ago, he founded the Institute for Sustainability Management and has since implemented more than 50 EU-wide research projects in collaboration with partners from academia, industry, politics, and civil society. He has published over 100 journal articles, book chapters, and other scientific publications, and has delivered more than 150 scientific presentations. André has established "Humor and Sustainability" as a learning method, for which he has received several awards, and has taught over 2,000 students at the undergraduate, master's, and doctoral levels about the principles, methods, and opportunities of sustainability management. His distinctive speaking style ensures attention, insights, and excellent feedback at both academic and corporate events.

Research Team

Dr. Andreas Endl
andreas.endl (at) wu.ac.at
Tel.: +43-1-31336-5452

Responsible Supply Chains, Minerals Policy and Governance

Andreas Endl studied Human Ecology at the University of Vienna and the Free University of Brussels and completed a doctorate in Economics at WU Vienna. He is an expert in raw material and resource policy for approximately 15 years, possessing extensive experience in policy analysis in the raw materials sector, designing stakeholder- and peer-learning processes, and developing learning platforms. His expertise has been key in EU projects such as COBALT, MIN-GUIDE, Minland, RE-SOURCING und SUMEX.

Anja Grüll

Anja Grüll, M.Sc.

anja.gruell (at) wu.ac.at

Tel.: +43-1-31336- 5714

Circular Economy, Sustainable Business Models, Social Network Analysis

Anja Grüll studied Socio-Economics and Management at the Vienna University of Economics and Business, specializing her research and teaching in the field of circular economy. In her doctoral thesis, she analyzes EU-wide cooperative relationships between universities, companies, and NGOs, exploring new business models in the circular economy. She teaches at the undergraduate level (circular economy, supply chain management, and CSR) and at the master's level (sustainable development). In the EU project LIVING INNOVATION, she developed workshop facilitation tools for blind and visually impaired individuals and contributed to the creation of ten high-quality videos (e.g. Smart Mobility, Holography). Additionally, Anja is an active member of the communication team of the Academy of Management's Organizations and the Natural Environment (ONE) division and organizes annual workshops.

Dr. Markus Hametner
markus.hametner (at) wu.ac.at
Tel.: +43-1-31336-5135

Monitoring and Evaluation of Sustainable Development, Sustainability Indicators

Markus Hametner has studied Ecology and Environmental Economics, completed a doctorate in Socio-Economics, and has been leading the research area of Sustainability Monitoring and Indicators for approximately 20 years. On behalf of the European Commission and the European Statistical Office (Eurostat), he has developed monitoring systems, analyzed the development of sustainability indicators, and evaluated sustainability programs. Markus possesses extensive experience in the design, application, and management of cooperative research projects and has published the results of his research in international journals.

Svetlana Ivanova

Svetlana Ivanova, M.A.

svetlana.ivanova (at) wu.ac.at

Responsible Innovation and Foresight, EU Reserach Projects

Svetlana Ivanova started her professional career in an organizational strategy consulting company in Moscow, studied public policy at the Central European University in Budapest and worked as a researchers at the University of Bern and at ISINNOVA, an Italian independent research institute. She is currently teaching and research assistant at the Institute for Managing Sustainability and pursues her PhD in the area of Responsible Research and Innovation. She has an academic track record in foresight and scenario technique, discursive institutional theory and currently works on trust in collaborative innovation. She teaches at bachelor level (responsible innovation) and PhD level (academic writing).

[Translate to English:] Ursula Kopp Photo

DI Ursula Kopp, M.Sc., MBA

ursula.kopp (at) wu.ac.at

Tel.: +43-664 5027649

Multi-Stakeholder Processes, Mediation, Design Thinking

Ursula Kopp studied Landscape Planning and Mediation and has been facilitating multi-stakeholder dialogues at regional, national, and international levels for over 20 years, such as the Austrian Sustainability Strategy, the CSR-Austria vision, and the Austrian Sustainable Forest Dialogue. She has utilized design thinking methods in regional dialogues and conducted systemic evaluations of sustainability programs and projects. Currently, she is supporting a group of youth delegates within the European Sustainable Development Network.

Mariia Kostetckaia, M.A.
mariia.kostetckaia (at) wu.ac.at
Tel.: +43-1-31336-5453

Monitoring Sustainable Development

Mariia Kostetckaia pursued her studies in International Relations at the Saint Petersburg State University and further deepened her education with a Master's degree in Global Studies at the University of Leipzig and the University of Vienna, focusing on international law and human rights. She has been working at the Institute for Sustainability Management for over six years, monitoring sustainable development in Europe and contributing to a number of high-profile reports by the European Statistical Office (Eurostat). Additionally, she has supported youth delegates advocating for sustainable development in Europe.

[Translate to English:] Mariana Kovacic-Lukic Photo

Mariana Kovacic-Lukic, B.A. M.Sc.

mariana.kovacic-lukic (at) wu.ac.at

Tel.: +43-1-31336- 6853

Servitization and Sustainability in Supply Chain Management

Mariana Lukic has pursued studies in International Business and Applied Linguistics at the University of Vienna, as well as Supply Chain Management at WU Vienna. Her research focuses on responsibility and sustainability of supply chains and she has supported several EU projects, including RE-SOURCING and SUMEX. Recently, she conducted an analysis of Austrian success stories in supply chain responsibility and is currently developing an online training program for responsible raw material sourcing.

[Translate to English:] Pooja Pakti Photo

Pooja Patki

pooja.patki (at) wu.ac.at

Monitoring Sustainable Development

Pooja Patki has studied Economics and Statistics at the University of Mumbai (India) and is currently completing a Master's program in Socio-Economics and Politics at the Vienna University of Economics and Business. At the Institute for Managing Sustainability, she has specialized in monitoring sustainable development and is engaged in preparing monitoring reports for the European Statistical Office (Eurostat).

[Translate to English:] Doris Schober Photo

Dr. Doris Schober
doris.schober (at) wu.ac.at
Tel.: +43-1-31336-4268

Non-Profit Organizations, Personnel and Volunteer Management

Doris Schober studied business administration at WU Vienna, specializing in marketing, business informatics, ecology, and society. As a certified resilience trainer, she focuses on stress, crises, job satisfaction, and motivation within organizations. She has over 20 years of experience in evaluation and impact assessment and has contributed to numerous research projects in the nonprofit sector (NPOs). Furthermore, she is the managing director of the NPO Institute, an association dedicated to transferring knowledge to nonprofit organizations in a practical manner, thereby bridging the gap between research and practice.

Angelo Spörk, LL.M. (WU)
angelo.spoerk (at) wu.ac.at
Tel.: +43-1-31336-5454

Storytelling, Video Production, Humor in Management and Education

Angelo Spörk spent five years working as a presenter, editor, and program designer for radio in Austria and Germany, as well as in the creative department of a FinTech startup in Vienna, before studying business law at WU Vienna. At the Institute for Managing Sustainability, he has specialized in scientific story-telling and is responsible for professional communication for our EU projects. He has designed and produced a variety of videos on topics such as Responsible Innovation, Responsible Sourcing and Sustainable Mining.