Blick auf die Loungesessel in der Erholungszone vor dem D4 Gebäude.

Overview of all institutes and divison groups

Every member of our Department is listed in the phone directory. For further information please contact the secretaries of our institutes.

Cognition & Behavior

Corporate Governance

Entrepreneurship & Innovation

Univ.Prof. Dipl.-Kfm.Dr.oec.publ. Nikolaus Franke

Nikolaus Franke

Vorstand Institut für Entrepreneurship und Innovation

Director Institute for Entrepreneurship and Innovation, see

Higher Education Management

Markets & Strategy

Organization Design

Univ.Prof. Dipl.-Kff.Dr.habil. Patricia Klarner

Patricia Klarner

Director, Institute for Organization Design
Responsibilities: Website:

Strategy, Technology and Organization

Univ.Prof. Dr.rer.pol.habil. Christopher Lettl

Christopher Lettl

Institutsvorstand Strategy, Technology and Organization, Strategy and Innovation
Responsibilities: Website:

Strategic Management

Strategy and Managerial Accounting

Univ.Prof. Dr.rer.soc.oec. Isabella Grabner

Isabella Grabner

Institute for Strategy and Managerial Accounting

Univ.Prof. Dipl.Math.-oec.Dr.rer.pol. Gerhard Speckbacher

Gerhard Speckbacher

Institute for Strategy and Managerial Accounting, Department of Strategy and Innovation

Project Management Group