Werner H. Hoffmann, Univ.-Prof. Dr.

In his research, Head of ISM Werner Hoffmann focuses on Strategic Alliances and Networks and Advances in Strategic Management. He equally deals with Business Model Innovation as well as the Resource-based- and Evolutionary Theory of the Firm.
Since 2010, Werner Hoffmann has been the Academic Director of the master's study program Strategy, Innovation and Management Control (SIMC) where he is a full professor for Strategic Management and Management Control since 2009. He founded the ISM in August 2011 and has been ISM head since then.
Since 2016, Werner Hoffmann is also a Managing Partner of Contrast EY Management Consulting, former Contrast Management Consulting, of which he has been a founder and CEO (1991-2015). He has also been the President of the Supervisory Board of the Austrian Controller Institute (since 2012). As such, Werner Hoffmann brings considerable practical experience in strategy development as well as in the implementation and advancement of strategic and operational controlling systems of well-known Austrian and international organizations.
Werner Hoffmann obtained his habilitation in 2001 from WU Vienna, where he had already pursued his doctoral studies in business administration as well as his graduate degree ("Magister").
In 2019 Werner Hoffmann has been awarded two WU Awards for his research contributions. He received a "WU Award for a Star Journal Article" for his paper "The Interplay of Competition and Cooperation" that he published with Dovev Lavie, Jeffrey Reuer and Andrew Shipilov in their Strategic Management Journal Special Issue "The Interplay of Competition and Cooperation" in 2018. He also received a "WU Award for Outstanding Research Achievements" for his paper "How CEO Values and TMT Diversity Jointly Influence the Corporate Strategy Making Process" with Lukas Meusburger.
+43 1 31336 4566 / +43 1 31336 5596
Selected publications
Hoffmann/Lavie/Reuer/Shipilov 2018: The interplay of competition and cooperation. Strategic Management Journal 39: 3033–3052. doi.org/10.1002/smj.2965
Speckbacher/Neumann/Hoffmann 2015: Resource Relatedness and the Mode of Entry Into New Businesses: Internal Resource Accumulation vs. Access by Collaborative Arrangement. Strategic Management Journal 36: 1675-1687.
Hoffmann/Maidorfer 2015: Supervisory Boards and their effectiveness. Aufsichtsrat aktuell, 2: 9-11.
Hoffmann/Kalss/Klampfl/Maidorfer 2012: Corporate Governance and Business Performance. Zeitschrift für Corporate Governance 3: 101-106.
Status of Supervisory Boards in Austria 2011. Aufsichtsrat aktuell, 2: 5-11.
Hoffmann/Neumann/Speckbacher 2010: The Effect of Interorganizational Trust on Make-or-Cooperate Decisions: Disentangling Opportunism-Dependent and Opportunism-Independent Effects of Trust. European Management Review 7(2): 101-115.
Strategisches Management für den Aufsichtsrat. Handbuch für den Aufsichtsrat (Kalss/Kunz, Hrsg.), 2010.
Hoffmann, W. H. 2007. Strategies for managing a portfolio of alliances. Strategic Management Journal, 28, 2007: 827-856.
Hoffmann, W. H. 2005. How to Manage a Portfolio of Alliances. Long Range Planning, 38(2): 121-143.