Economics and Socioeconomics Major

The Economics and Socioeconomics major is part of the German-taught bachelor’s degree program in Economics and Social Sciences. Some courses are also available in English. The major has two main focuses: to promote an understanding of fundamental theoretical concepts in economics and socioeconomics, and to provide basic and advanced skills in empirical research methods. Students qualifying for this major should have a pronounced interest in political, social, and economic issues, as well as in theoretical models and empirical analysis.

More information for students interested in the bachelor’s degree program Economics and Social Science with a major in Economics and Socioeconomics is available (in German) here.

A list of subjects and courses (in German) is available here.

Specialisation in Socioeconomics

The specialization in Socioeconomics is available to students in the Economics and Socioeconomics major. Like Economics, Socioeconomics considers the development of the economy as a whole, but with a strong focus on combining social and economic theories, which are applied to specific socio-economic questions and challenges. Unlike business administration, socioeconomics provides a broader understanding of economic activity by approaching them from different perspectives and taking a holistic view. In summary, socioeconomics is:

  • Real-world oriented: Teaching and research are based on the actual dynamics of economic, social, and ecological processes, and looks at the opportunities and risks inherent in these dynamics.

  • Interdisciplinary: The academic staff in the Socioeconomics specialization includes not only economists but also sociologists, political scientists, historians, and geographers. This interdisciplinary mix allows for multiple perspectives on important topics (e.g. sustainable work).

  • Multi-method: Research questions are analyzed using different methods (e.g. combining interviews and statistical analysis).

  • Multi-theoretical: Theories are like lenses that help us to see and understand reality. Different theories open different perspectives on individual problems and possible solutions.

  • Transdisciplinary: Some problem-oriented research is also conducted with the help of practitioners from administration, NGOs, or the business community.

Career Prospects

Specializing in socioeconomics opens various possibilities for your future career.

  • Master’s program: You can continue your studies, for example by enrolling in the WU master’s programs Socioeconomics or SEEP (Socio-Ecological Economics and Policy). Further information on both programs can be found here.

  • Employment: You can apply for jobs in companies, consultancies, public administration, or non-governmental organizations (NGOs)

Learn more!

Specialisation Interactions of Economy and Society