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Dr.in Hanna Schneider

Hanna Schneider worked as a researcher at the Institute for Nonprofit Management from 2009 to 2020. Her research focuses on social entrepreneurship, public benefit foundations and corporate volunteering. She is teaching courses on social entrepreneurship, philanthropy, nonprofit management as well as human resource management. She studied International Business Studies and Socioeconomics at WU, Vienna and Kelley School of Business, USA. She has completed her dissertation at WU Vienna focusing on the emergence of the social entrepreneurial field in Austria, looking at the interplay of support institutions in the field and social entrepreneurs themselves. Hanna is a member of the Association of Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Civil Action (ARNOVA), the International Society for Third Sector Research (ISTR) and the European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS). Research projects she has been involved include:

  • Mapping study on public purpose foundations in Austria (research study with support of the OenB’s Anniversary Fund), 2009-2012

  • Decision making processes in public purpose foundations (research project together with Stefan Einarsson, Stockholm School of Economics und Jasmine McGinnis, Trachtenberg School of Management), 2010-now

  • Social Entrepreneurship: How a field becomes imbued with meaning (PhD project; research project together with Florentine Maier, WU Vienna and Pascal Dey, University of St. Gallen), 2013-2017

  • Comparative research on European Foundations for Research and Innovation (EUFORI Study), 2012-2014

  • Corporate Volunteering: the cooperation between nonprofits and businesses (research project together with Michaela Neumayr), 2017-2020