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Sommersemester 2021 / Student Start-up


The new era of dating bears incredible opportunities but in the same time many risks hampering the individual's experience on the platform. The anonymity on the net allows an ideal breeding ground for inappropriate behaviour and catfish accounts. Moreover, the lack of good conversation as well as staying stuck in the online talking stage destroys the initial mission of connecting people off-line.

And that's where Trueli steps in!


Trueli aims to connect people in a safe and entertaining way. By implementing a mandatory verification through fully automated state-of- the-art procedures we want to guarantee our users a secure environment. Trueli guarantees that the person depicted on the profile and the person behind the profile coincide. With Trueli's highly secure platform not only the respective profile is being banned, but also the person behind the account in case of reported rule violations. In this way, the Trueli community is provided with a safe platform free of inappropriate behaviour. Moreover, Trueli creatively tackles the problem of accumulating matches as well as the boring interactions on the platforms. Trueli is not about collecting as many matches as possible but bringing like-minded people to meet off-line as soon as possible.


Our approach to turn this vision into reality was to follow the lean start-up methodology centring around these three steps: building, measuring, and learning. To begin with, we tested our hypothesis regarding safety issues on current dating platforms. We collected data from 93 interviews from our target group, consisting of 66 females and 27 men. These problems were cited predominantly: Boring conversations, fake profiles, catfishing. In addition to our first interview round, we have conducted qualitative interviews with 12 interviewees who already experienced inappropriate behaviour on dating platforms to gain a better understanding of the pains of current online dating users in order to tailor a solution to their needs. In addition to this, we also conducted research about our competitors to derive our USP and to generate concrete implementation ideas for possible features on our app. The mandatory verification process was assessed, based on the user experience of our interviewees. To our surprise, the prototype was warmly welcomed by all of the interviewees. The feasibility, profitability and customer-value led to our decision to make this our first unique selling proposition. In the next step we have elaborated further ideas for Trueli that are currently still being tested!


After intensive market research, numerous qualitative/quantitative interviews, and hypothesis testing, we have gained a deep insight into the problems of current online dating users. After analysing the collected data, we have found a convincing value proposition for our customer segment (18-34). The main finding supports our hypothesis, that current online dating apps still show massive gaps that need to be addressed and reshaped from the ground up. Users want more security and do not want to stay stuck in the texting phase.

Cooperation Partner

  • Trueli

Contact Person

Student team

  • M. Spieler

  • G. Weixlbaumer

  • M. Kalb

  • E. Stehrer

  • J. Kreminger

  • C. Birzu Project-Manager

  • Alexander Staub

  • Thomas Pannermayr

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