Ausschnitt eines Glasdachs des LC Gebäude


[Translate to English:] Bild

Dieter Gutschi recieves small-scale project grant for WU junior faculty

We are thrilled to announce that Dieter Gutschi, one of our PhD candidates at the Institute for Organization Design, has received the small-scale project grant for WU junior faculty! In this exciting…

[Translate to English:] Bild

WU Leadership Conversations with Dr. Sabine Herlitschka

Last week we welcomed Dr. Sabine Herlitschka, CEO Infineon Austria, to our WU Leadership Conversations series.

[Translate to English:] Philipp Benedikt Becker

Philipp Benedikt Becker joins ETH Zürich as a WU International Research Fellow

We are very happy to announce that Philipp Benedikt Becker is joining Dr. Daniela Laureiro Martinez and Stefano Brusoni´s team at the ETH in Zurich for six weeks as a visiting scholar. Philipp´s…

[Translate to English:] Bild

Welcome to the summer term 2023

Dear students, march is here and the summer term 2023 begins! We wish everyone a successful term and look forward to working with you! The IOD team

[Translate to English:] Gerda Holzinger-Burgstaller

First Event of the Leadership Conversations

On October 11, 2022 we welcomed MMag. Gerda Holzinger-Burgstaller, CEO Erste Bank as the speaker of our first WU Leadership Conversations event. She very generously shared her experiences and advice…

[Translate to English:] Floor Rink

FSP event with Floor Rink

We were very excited to have our first in-person morning talk with Prof. Floor Rink on November 24, 2022 since the beginning of the pandemic.  Floor Rink is full professor at the faculty of Economics…

[Translate to English:] Research

New publication on corporate governance

How do boards of directors govern strategic change? A new interdisciplinary and systematic review by Prof. Klarner, Qiwen Yu, Toru Yoshikawa (both Singapore Management University) and Mike Hitt…

[Translate to English:] Prof. Andreas Richter und das IOD Team

Prof. Andreas Richter visited us

Last week Prof. Andreas Richter from Cambridge Judge Business School, Cambridge University, visited us at the IOD.

[Translate to English:]

Welcome to the IOD!

Katrina Nelson joined our IOD Team as a Teaching and Research Associate on October 1, 2022.

[Translate to English:] Christine Beckman

FSP webinar with Christine Beckman

We started off our winter semester 2022 with a webinar with Prof. Dr. Christine Beckman, Price Family Chair in Social Innovation and Professor at the USC Price School of Public Policy, USC, CA, USA. …