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Dr. Maximilian Weis receives the Stephan-Koren-Prize 2023 of the WU Vienna for his dissertation!


Former IOD PhD student and current Assistant Professor for Strategic Management at ESCP Berlin Dr. Maximilian Weis was awarded the Stephan-Koren-Prize 2023!

Maximilian Weis received the Stephan Koren Prize for his PhD thesis "Essays on Temporality in Strategic Management and Strategic Leadership".

The Stephan-Koren-Prize is awarded annually to doctoral candidates who have contributed to WU Vienna's excellent research reputation through their research work. Prize winners are selected by the Board of WU Professors from candidates who received their doctorate in the last year and whose dissertation was rated “Very Good”. The IOD Team congratulates Maximilian Weis on this outstanding achievement!

Information about Maximilian Weis can be found here:
Details about the Stephan Koren Prize and the other prize winners can be found under the following link.

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