Nikos Basbas

Nikos Basbas has devoted his career to the design and innovation of higher education. Throughout his career, he has held various teaching and non-teaching roles. Starting as an instructional designer and lecturer, he progressed into a project manager and teacher trainer role.
Currently, he serves as the Centre for Teaching and Educational Innovation coordinator and advises the Executive Board of Tilburg University in the Netherlands. He actively participates in several Dutch and European working groups focused on artificial intelligence and flexible education. Additionally, Nikos is a regular presenter at international conferences and the author of an opinion blog on the design of higher education.
Alina Dieminger

SRH Heidelberg
My name is Alina Dieminger and I am studying psychology (M. Sc) at the SRH University in Heidelberg. In addition to my studies, I work as an SDTA (Student Digital Transformation Agent) at my university and as a working student at the KI Campus. In my free time I work on digitalization, AI, mental health, university teaching and microcredentials. Among other things, I am a DigitalChangeMaker for the Hochschulforum Digitalisierung.
Ulf-Daniel Ehlers
Professor for Educational Management and Lifelong Learning at the Baden-Wurttemberg Cooperative State University in Karlsruhe (since 2011). 2011-2017 he was Vicepresident at the same university and has been responsible for Quality and Academic Affairs. He was Associate Professor of University Duisburg-Essen (Germany), Professor for Technology Enhanced Learning of University Augsburg (Germany) and Associate Professor of the Graduate School for Management and Technology of the University of Maryland University College (USA). Habilitation in 2008 from the University of Duisburg-Essen. Author of more than 10 books and 150 scholarly articles.
Patricia Feubli

Co-Head of MSc in Applied Information and Data Science, Head Competence Center Communication and Marketing Technologies, Hochschule Luzern Wirtschaft
After completing her doctorate at the Universities of Zurich and Stanford, Patricia Feubli worked as a data scientist in the private sector. Since 2019, she has been a lecturer and researcher at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts and is deputy head of the MSc in Applied Information and Data Science. She also heads the Communication and Marketing Technologies competence center. Her current research interests include data science in marketing and artificial intelligence in education.
Co-Head of Applied Information and Data Science: https://www.hslu.ch/de-ch/wirtschaft/studium/master/applied-information-and-data-science/
President, Lucerne AI and Cognitive Community LAC2: https://www.lac2.org/board/
Jacqueline Gasser-Beck

Jacqueline Gasser-Beck is heading the «Teaching Innovation Lab» at the University of St.Gallen. Together with her team, she is developing innovative teaching formats to foster digital literacy among faculty and students. Involved in politics and being a board member of various associations, such as “It Rocks!”, she tries to connect the academic world with the needs of the digital society.
After her studys in Law at University of Zurich and Harvard Law School she worked at University of St.Gallen as Executive Director at the Law School. Leaving Switzerland again to work with «Swissnex Boston» she was in charge of various projects and events promoting Swiss excellence in Higher Education in the US.
In her spare time Jacqueline is mother of two teenagers, dedicated politician who loves sports and pop culture and is always available for exciting creative projects and travel.
Florian Gnadlinger

Since 2019, Florian Gnadlinger, M.Sc. has been working as a research fellow within the Creative Media – R&D research group at the Research Centre for Culture and Computer Science (FKI) at the University of Applied Sciences Berlin. Aside from this position, he is part of the Human-Computer Interaction laboratory (HCILab) at the Masaryk University in his role as a Ph.D. student since 2022.
In those roles, Florian focuses on the ideation and development of AI supported learning environments and game-based learning applications. From 2011 to 2018, he has been working as game development lead for commercial companies in the area of educational and serious games in Vienna, Austria. Next to his occupational and academic career, Florian taught, in the area of game development at different educational institutes in Austria and Germany.
Loretta Goff

Dr Loretta Goff is the Academic Integrity Education Officer at University College Cork (UCC) and a member of Ireland’s National Academic Integrity Network (NAIN). She creates, manages, and delivers training and resources on academic integrity, academic misconduct, ethical use of generative AI, and AI and assessment for both students and staff at UCC.
Loretta led the National Forum Strategic Alignment of Teaching and Learning Enhancement (SATLE 2022) funded project “(AI)2ed: Academic Integrity and Artificial Intelligence”, which used a students-as-partners approach to experiment with generative AI in relation to assessment and learning design across disciplines, ultimately producing a Toolkit for the Ethical Use of Generative Artificial Intelligence in Learning and Teaching.
Leandro Henao

Leandro Henao (M. Sc.) studied Economics at the University of Mannheim. From 2019 to 2020, he worked as a student research assistant at the ZEW – Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research in Mannheim. Since 2021, he is a PhD-Student at the WIB, University of Wuppertal.
Thomas Hidber

Thomas holds a PhD in Classics from the University of Bern (Switzerland). After a post-doctoral position at the University of Göttingen (Germany), he took up the position of Project Officer in the President's Office for the German Excellence Initiative applications.
Back in Switzerland, he became Head of Academic Programme Development at the University of Zurich in 2007, before being appointed Head of Educational Development, which was created two years ago through the merger of Academic Programme Development and the Centre for University Teaching and Learning.
Tim Knapp

Tim Knapp is a second-year Cognitive Science MSc student at the University of Vienna, where he also earned his BA in Philosophy. He is employed at the Center for Teaching and Learning (University of Vienna), working together closely with the Philosophy and Talent-Acquisition-and-Development departments to support digital teaching initiatives. Besides AI in education, Tim is interested in explainable AI and philosophy of mind.
Gerd Kortemeyer

Gerd Kortemeyer is a member of the rectorate and the AI Center of ETH Zurich, where he advances initiatives in the area of “AI for Education." He holds a Ph.D. in physics from Michigan State University, where he is also an Associate Professor Emeritus of Physics Education. For decades he has been active in research and development of educational technology, particularly in the areas of formative assessment and learning analytics.
Michael Kozakowski

Dr. Michael Kozakowski is Director of the Yehuda Elkana Center for Teaching, Learning, and Higher Education Research at Central European University (Vienna). After an education at Georgetown University and St. Peter's College (Oxford), he received his PhD from the University of Chicago. His research spans the fields of history and education. Among his many international collaborations on teaching and learning (e.g., CIVICA, Erasmus+, European University Association), he created and co-leads the Developing Teaching Professionals project for the Open Society University Network.
Michael König

Michael König is a tenured Senior Lecturer at the Department of Strategy and Innovation, Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU).
From 1997-2009, he served in several management practice functions, including C-suite positions in the luxury goods industry, before switching back to Academia in 2010. He earned a PhD in Economics and Social Sciences from the University of Vienna and received an MBA in General and Strategic Management from the Cass Business, City University of London. He is alumnus of the Oxford Scenarios Programme, Saïd Business School, University of Oxford.
Michael is fascinated to work together with first-year students, post-graduates and seasoned executives alike. He loves to have an interdisciplinary view reaching out to other arenas of science as well as to arts and humanities. His research interests comprise of bridging theory to practice, exploration of the “unknown unknown”, impact of artificial intelligence, and strategic foresight.
Martin Lindner
Martin Lindneris an expert in digital education and training, cloudlearning and microlearning. Since 2010 he has been working as a knowledge worker on a freelance basis and in various projects. Since 2023 he is a scientific project worker in the "Research Group NextEducation" at DHBW Karlsruhe. He is rooted in literature studies and cultural semiotics (Dr. phil habil. at University of Passau). After training as an "author of interactive learning media", he was a visiting professor at the University of Innsbruck in 2002-2004 (for the interfaculty focus Media - Communication - Education - Knowledge), and at Research Studios Austria in 2004-2009 (as a senior researcher for microlearning / microinformation).
Douglas MacKevett

Head of Digital Learning Services; Co-Head MScBA Online Business & Marketing, Hochschule Luzern Wirtschaft
A native of the USA, Douglas MacKevett has studied in both the US and UK at graduate level. He has taught at the Lucerne of School of Business in Switzerland since 2001 in the Bachelor, Master and Executive Education programs and has most recently headed up the faculty development program in blended teaching and learning.
His current research interests include digital exams, hybrid teaching and the use of LLMs in higher education. He is a member of two interdisciplinary task groups for GPT in higher education.
Head of Digital Learning Services: https://www.hslu.ch/de-ch/wirtschaft/campus/digital-learning-services/
Co-Head of Online Business and Marketing: https://www.hslu.ch/de-ch/wirtschaft/studium/master/business-administration/online-business-and-marketing/
Miruna Mazurencu Marinescu Pele

Miruna Mazurencu Marinescu Pele, Ph.D., MBA, holds the position of Full Professor in Statistics and Econometrics at the Bucharest University of Economic Studies, within the Department of Statistics and Econometrics. In addition to her extensive academic qualifications, she has earned an MBA from the Conservatoire National des Arts et Metiers in Paris.
Dr. Mazurencu Pele has been honoured as a Fulbright grantee and has held a post-doctoral fellowship with the Romanian Academy of Sciences. She serves as a local expert for prestigious organizations such as the World Bank, European Investment Bank, FAO, and PHARE, and has directed numerous national and international projects.
Her scholarly work, which includes a plethora of articles in both international and national journals, focuses on the multidimensional analysis of economic phenomena, econometric modelling of ICT-based business performance and valuation, as well as quantitative methods in regional science, smart cities, and AI applications in social sciences.
Sebastian Meisel

Dr Sebastian Meisel has been working as an expert for didactic teaching development at the Center for Curriculum and Teaching Development at the University of St. Gallen (HSG) since 1 February 2023. Previously research assistant at the Chair of Philosophy II at the Otto-Friedrich-University Bamberg. Among other things, responsible for coordinating the didactics of ethics/philosophy and teacher qualification.
The current focus of his work is the compatibility of academic teaching and digitalisation, the effects of generative AI systems on teaching and learning processes and the theoretical embedding of trans-formation conditions on universities. In addition, there is the individual support of lecturers, study programmes and other stakeholders in terms of higher education didactics.
Forthcoming publications:
Transversale Brückenkonzepte als Modell für den Umgang von future skills in der Hoch-schulbildung (Sommer 2024)
Soziale Inklusion durch transversale Digitalität (Sommer 2024)
Nicht nur Technik - Didaktische Leerstellen in der Implementierung digitaler Lehre (Sommer 2024)
Lilit Sargsyan

I, Dr. Lilit Sargsyan, Associate Professor at Yerevan State University, have accumulated over 25 years of experience in language education and teacher training facilitation. Holding a PhD in Philology and a commitment to CPD in L&T I was honored with a YSU Teaching Excellence Award. In addition to my contributions to the enhancement of L&T at YSU my professional trajectory includes serving as the RA Representative of BFUG WG on L&T.
My professional interests lie in Comparative Typology, Morphology, Neurolinguistics, Psycholinguistics, as well as Adult Education and Student-Centered Learning, innovative learning methods and recently the integration of AI into learning processes. Actively engaging in international conferences, I share insights on topics such as Active Learning, SCL and Learning in the Era of Industry 5.0. Presently, I am engaged in an EU funded TOT program on fostering critical thinking skills in higher education institutions.
Kevin Saukel

Goethe University / Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen
My name is Kevin Saukel and currently I am studying educational science (B. A.) at the Goethe University in Frankfurt and business informatics (B. Sc.) at Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen in Friedberg. Currently I’m working as a software developer building applications in the field of educational technologies and I’m also a DigitalChangeMaker for the Hochschulforum Digitalisierung.
Mareike Schoop

Professor Mareike Schoop, PhD, is Professor of Intelligent Information Systems at the University of Hohenheim, Germany. She holds a Diplom from the University of Hildesheim in Germany, a PhD from the University of Manchester in the UK, and a Habilitation from RWTH Aachen University in Germany, all in Computer Science. She has been a Visiting Professor at the University of Oxford, UK, and the Technical University of Vienna, Austria. At the University of Hohenheim, she is the course director for the B.Sc. in Information Systems and the M.Sc. in Information Systems that she designed.
Professor Schoop is a renowned researcher in Artificial Intelligence, digitalisation, digital negotiations, blended learning, and agility. She received several awards for her research and is the editor-in-chief of the Group Decision and Negotiation Journal. She has published well over 160 peer-reviewed articles in journals and conferences. In a current research project, Prof. Schoop researches the most effective ways of teaching AI competencies in non-technical courses of study.
Verena Schwägerl-Melchior

Verena Schwägerl-Melchior is responsible for the Teaching Academy at Graz University of Technology and thus for the didactic training and continuing education of lecturers.
She holds a PhD in Romance Studies (Linguistics) from the LMU Munich and is a systemic coach. Parallel to her many years of teaching and research at the University of Graz, the focus of her work has increasingly shifted to university didactics. In her position at the Graz University of Technology, she has developed and is responsible for a modular didactics training program and works as a trainer and coach herself. She leads the Didactics Steering Group at TU Graz, which is involved in various initiatives to support and develop teaching. In addition, she was or is a lecturer in higher education didactics at various Austrian HEIs.
Tiziana Srdoc

Tiziana Srdoc, BA, graduated in psychology and is currently in her second year of M.Sc. Cognitive Science at the University of Vienna. She is primarily interested in developmental and evolutionary origins of language. In her master's thesis, she is investigating the brain regions that play a role in the production and comprehension of object labels in 3-year-old children. She is also interested in the pedagogy of language and literacy learning.
Bettina Wittmann

Digital Marketing & Remote Work Expert, Business Coach & University Lecturer:
Bettina Wittmann founded weBOUND marketing in 2016 during a 1.5-year world journey. Her challenge: Establishing an international brand, building trust despite distance, and leading a remote team for successful client projects. This led to an efficient, resource-conscious, international approach.
Today, she is a sought-after business mentor and expert in digital marketing and digital processes. She holds a diploma in value-oriented systemic business coaching and consulting (CAS/ISO/ICI) based on the St.Galler Coaching Model®. As a remote work pioneer, she assisted over 2,000 people during the pandemic in facilitating remote collaboration.
In 2022, she was honored as an LEA Role Model by the Austrian Ministry of Women and is a TOP 5 nominee for the AI Impact Award. Since 2020, she has taught Digital Marketing & AI at the Vienna University of Economics and Business and delivers speeches on entrepreneurship, marketing, productivity, and new work.
Facilitation and Moderation
Oliver Vettori

Dr. Oliver Vettori is Dean of Accreditation and Quality Management and Director of Programmes & Teaching Learning at WU (Vienna University of Economics and Business) as well as the alliance-wide Director of Academic Affairs for the ENGAGE.EU University Initiative. In these functions he is responsible, among others, for WU’s/ENGAGE.EUs educational offers, teaching and learning infrastructure, learning technologies, pedagogical support and quality assurance as well as for coordinating WU’s program portfolio.
Dr. Vettori has been working in higher education management and research for more than two decades, as a reviewer, trainer, researcher and consultant in more than 50 different countries on four different continents including work for EUA, ENQA, UNESCO, ASEAN-QA, EU-SHARE and various ministries, supranational organisations and higher education institutions.
He holds a doctoral degree in Sociology/Organisation Theory from the University of Vienna and is a Research Associate at the Institute for Organization Studies at WU. He is the author of dozens of research publications in the area of higher education and organisation studies. He serves on the international Editorial Board of Quality in Higher Education and is a member of various academic associations (e.g EAIR, CHER).
Andrea Ghoneim

Andrea Ghoneim is eDeveloperin for Digital Teaching Services (Program Management and Teaching & Learning Support) at WU Vienna since 2020. Before that, she was researcher in the field of educational technologies at Danube University Krems (Austria) and held several positions in teaching and development at Egyptian universities as well as at University of Vienna. She holds a doctorate from University of Vienna.
Her current research interests are immersive learning and virtual environments and development of skills in university teaching and learning.
Karl Ledermüller

Karl Ledermüller is head of Evaluation and Quality Enhancement at WU Vienna University of Economics and Business. He teaches finance and operations research.
His research focuses on applications in institutional research, focussing on predictive learning and assessment analytics (including machine learning methods) and the integration of innovative methods (such as text mining, educational data mining, psychometric methods and AI applications) in evaluation designs.
Petra Oberhuemer

Petra Oberhuemer is head of the unit of Digital Teaching Services (Program Management and Teaching & Learning Support) at WU. She is working in a range of national projects with the aim of improving learning and teaching infrastructure for university teachers and learners, e.g. e-assessment or online learning environments. She has been working for several EU-funded projects with a focus on learning technology standardization and technology supported learning design.
She has been invited speaker in several inter/national events and is author of papers, conference presentations and book chapters on digitally supported teaching and learning.
Johanna Warm

Johanna Warm is Head of Teaching & Learning Development at WU Vienna. She holds a teaching qualification and a PhD in Romance Linguistics and has been working as a lecturer at the University of Salzburg and at WU.
Her current research and professional interests lie in T&L policies, students’ conceptions of teaching excellence, and the role of contexts in promoting students’ learning effectiveness. She develops and delivers workshops for faculty, including short formats on course design and constructive alignment and on the use of generative AI for course design. She is a regular speaker/trainer on educational development at WU and abroad.