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Blog: Gender specific effects of covid-19

Multiple burdens under COVID-19: home office and domestic work

How did women and men in Austria fare during the initial restrictions while the COVID-19 crisis? What are the implications of unemployment and home office for the within household distribution of unpaid work? What kind of psychological stress did this cause? And will the future be different?

On our blog we regularly present new results of our survey on life during the initial COVID-19 restrictions.

Multiple burdens under COVID-19: home office and domestic work

The exit restrictions imposed in the course of the COVID-19 pandemic offer a unique opportunity to investigate the effect of home office arrangements on the distribution of unpaid work in households. Home office is often described as a mechanism that makes it easier for women to combine childcare and work. It has not yet been possible to systematically investigate whether and to what extent this is the case in Austria. An online survey collects relevant among Viennese participants. It examines how home offices affect the distribution of unpaid work in households and what proportion of unpaid work in households with children under 15 is performed by mothers, albeit a second parent is at home due to home office, unemployment or short-time work (in Cooperation with: Arbeiterkammer Wien; Frauenabteilung).





Blog 1: Analyzing time use of couples during COVID-19

Blog 2: Who filled out our questionnaire? A brief description of our survey sample

Blog 3: What did I do yesterday?

Blog 4: Do you know what I actually did? Estimates on the distribution of unpaid work in couple households before, during and after COVID-19

Blog 5: Age of Children and the time use of their Parents during the COVID-19 Lockdown

Blog 6: How do you do? Mental Health during the COVID-19 Lockdown

Blog 7: Working from home: is it a curse, a blessing, or both?

Blog 8: The value of our work – unpaid housework and care work during the lockdown

Please quote texts from this blog as follows:

Mader, Katharina/ Derndorfer, Judith/  Disslbacher, Franziska/ Lechinger, Vanessa/ Six, Eva (2020): Genderspezifische Effekte von COVID-19."