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Bachelor and Master Thesis Information

Download and Guidelines Overview

All steps that you need to follow are listed on this website. You can also download the information here:

Bachelor's and Master's Thesis Guidelines

Please use the official WU Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration Cover Sheet for Bachelor’s Theses / Master’s Theses

Note: Please format your thesis according to APA style (https://apastyle.apa.org/): like this template is formatted. Please see appendices for formatting guidelines (which are in accordance with APA guidelines) of specific elements of your thesis.)

APA Bachelor's and Master's Thesis Template


Other Documents for Download:

Thesis Proposal Guidelines
Timeline Template

Cover Sheet Bachelor Thesis

Citation Rules German

Citation Rules English

Links to WU- Guidelines

WU Guide Bachelor thesis

WU Guide masters thesis


What Are the Requirements to Write a Bachelor Thesis?

StEOP, CBK, and the completed „Fundamentals of Scientific Writing“ course. Students could write the bachelor thesis in parallel to the course, but a consecutive sequence is recommended. It is not possible to write a bachelor thesis before enrolling in this course! Prior knowledge of/strong interest in psychology, behavioral economics, or data analytics is a prerequisite for writing a Bachelor thesis at the Institute for Cognition and Behavior. Within the Institute of Cognition and Behavior, it is possible to work on pre-specified research questions, but students are also very welcome to present their own ideas for their thesis. Below you can find the current list of researchers that are available for thesis supervision. If you are interested in any of the research areas, please feel free to contact the respective researcher via email stating (1) your approximate starting time, (2) general or specific area of interest, and (3) a short description of your background in the research area of the institute.  Typically a Bachelor thesis will be prepared within 3-6 months and has an extent of approximately 30 pages (BaWiSo, 40 pages BBE). Usually, you discuss your work between 2-4 times with your supervisor (more if the complexity of the research question or method calls for it).

What Are the Requirements to Write a Master Thesis?

Completed „Fundamentals of Scientific Writing“ course or similar course. Students could write the master thesis in parallel to the course, but a consecutive sequence is recommended. It is not possible to write a master thesis before enrolling in this course! Prior knowledge of/strong interest in psychology, behavioral economics, or data analytics is a prerequisite for writing a master thesis at the Institute for Cognition and Behavior. Within the Institute of Cognition and Behavior, it is possible to work on pre-specified research questions, but students are also very welcome to present their own ideas for their thesis. Below you can find the current list of researchers that are available for thesis supervision. If you are interested in any of the research areas, please feel free to contact the respective researcher via email stating (1) your approximate starting time, (2) general or specific area of interest, and (3) a short description of your background in the research area of the institute.  Typically, a master thesis will be prepared within 6 months with around 55 working days or 500 working hours expected to go into it. There is no set number of expected pages as this usually depends on the topic. Usually, you discuss your work between 2-4 times with your supervisor (more if the complexity of the research question or method calls for it).

What Topics Can I Choose From?

You can choose from one of the following options:
Option A: you can click the link below, where you can find a number of suggested topics for your thesis:https://calm-client-518.notion.site/01dfb4316a3e4ce5973f035cd6619e91?v=93df814a61494e72aeb7d5fd40ecd2af

Option B: Create and propose a topic yourself if the existing ones do not suit your interests.

What Do I Need To Do before Contacting the Institute?

Step 1: Check Your Eligibility
Before reaching out, verify that you meet all general prerequisites for writing a bachelor’s / master’s thesis at the WU. You can find the details on: University Homepage, Bachelor’s Student Guide / Master’s Student Guide – available in DE/ENG.

Step 2: Read Information The Material
Carefully read our bachelor and master thesis information material on this website (including: Download and Guideline Quicklinks which is located at the bottom of this page), to see whether our institute is a good fit for you.

How Do I Reach Out for Supervision?

Please send and email to juliane.sroba@wu.ac.at with the subject line: “Request for Bachelor’s / Master’s Thesis Supervision”.

Ensure your email contains:

  • Your chosen topic name & brief description

  • Your proposed timeline for the thesis.

  • The research approach you intend to use (such as a literature review, empirical study, or replication study).

  • Three potential dates for a first meeting.

A supervisor will contact you. After your first meeting, we will have decided on the topic and procedure of your thesis. Following up on this meeting follow the next steps.

Who Can Supervise My Thesis?

What Are the Steps from the Supervision Agreement to the Finished Thesis?

How Do I Structure My Thesis?

What Are the Assessment Criteria?

How Do I Approach Academic Literature Search & Writing?

What Formal Guidelines Do I Need to Follow?

How Do I Write a Non-Technical Summary?

How Do I Submit My Thesis?