Hintere Außenansicht des D2 Gebäudes


Vortragsreihe "Language, Communication & Culture"

Public Lecture: David Wei DAI

"What can we learn from using GenAI to teach intercultural professional communication? A call for Critical Interactional Competence"| David Wei DAI | 17:00, room D2.2.228

Public Lecture: Elena Semino

"Metaphors and vaccines: Opportunities and challenges"| Elena Semino | 17:00, room D2.2.228

Public Lecture: Dagmar Sieglová

"Critical Incidents in Intercultural Business Communication"| Dagmar Sieglová | 17:00, room D2.2.228

WU matters.WU talks: "I feel like … gespalten"

Library & Learning Center - Festsaal 1 | 18:00 - 19:30 Uhr

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