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Career in marketing research

Marketing research is a highly sought after field and one that is rapidly maturing. The field is gaining in importance in light of the shifting customer and market environment. As one of the fastest growing professional fields, marketing research demands a high level of analytical rigour. Competitors have moved from ad hoc research to more structured research and this has required a different set of skills. The skills that were once acquired by way of trial and error are no longer necessary. Instead, modern marketing research methods are used to collect data, evaluate market conditions and identify potential market opportunities.

A career in market research

… is a highly sought after one and one which many people aspire to. It is a highly sought after field because it offers a highly secure job market and a stable base for aspiring entrepreneurs. It is also because it is an attractive route to follow for those who are business owners or managers.

The path to becoming a marketing research professional

… is quite open. You can start from scratch as a student or as an undergraduate and gain valuable experience in different aspects of the market research industry. You can also join a marketing research firm as a consultant and make a good profit. Whatever your path, to become a professional market researcher, you must have the following qualifications:

  • At least a bachelor's degree in market research;

  • at least 3 years of market research;

  • some knowledge of statistical methods;

  • some knowledge of coding;

  • some knowledge of marketing;

  • some background in customer insights;

  • and some analytical thinking.

A marketing research analyst should possess the following qualifications:

  • Experience in marketing;

  • Knowledge of customers and marketing;

  • and analytical thinking.

Analytical thinking

… is based on the concept of "quantitative meta-narrative". It is used when studying the interaction of two or more factors, such as human behavior and economic conditions.In marketing research, meta-narrative is used to analyze data, assess customer needs and preferences, and identify possible marketing approaches.Meta-narrative is used when studying customer behavior and preferences. It is used when developing marketing programs or strategies.Learn more about marketing research.


Marketing research professionals must ideally obtain a certification. You can obtain a certificate from us in terms of a corporation's professional services, professional appraisal, or analytics. Learn more about marketing research certification.

Career pathways

Marketing research professionals can start their careers either as sales associates or as independent contractors, or in other business positions.

Sales associate

Sales associates typically begin their careers as sales associates, working alongside experienced market research personnel. A sales associate's main job is to make sure all the necessary data are available for the customer. He or she supervises the preparation of reports and analyses and analyzes data.

Account managers and financial analysts

Because account information is so prevalent in marketing research, account managers and financial analysts often begin their careers as financial analyst assistants. They work alongside market research personnel who prepare reports and evaluate the potential market for products or services.


Analysts typically begin their careers as market research analysts. They work alongside market research personnel who conduct and analyze market data.

Cost estimators

Cost estimators collect and analyze data on consumer expenditures and allocate those funds according to consumer needs. Cost estimatorsalso determine the amount of money spent on marketing products or services. They collect and analyze data on marketing, product demand, and market conditions.

Market research analysts

Market research analysts analyze data and make predictions about consumer behaviors and preferences. Market research analysts also analyze data and make predictions about marketing, product demand, and market conditions.

Communications and marketing research analysts

Communications and marketing research analysts use advanced communication techniques to collect data and communicate with customers, clients, and market participants.

Marketing research manager

A marketing research manager typically begins his or her career as a marketing research analyst. He or she begins with basic data and information in the industry. Marketing research analysts then refine and expand the data and information.

Advertising manager

An advertising manager typically begins his or her career as an advertising research analyst. He or she begins with more advanced data, such as brand preferences, product preferences, and geographic preference. Advertising managers then refine and expand the data and information.

Account executives

Account executives typically begin their careers as marketing research analysts. They begin with basic data and information, such as brand preferences, product preferences, and geographic preference. Account executives refine and expand the data and information.