Willkommen am Institut für Hochschulmanagement

Barbara Sporn

Das Institut für Hochschulmanagement (IHM) ist Teil des Departments für Strategie und Innovation und wird von Univ.Prof. Dr. Barbara Sporn geleitet.

Die Aktivitäten des IHM umfassen Forschung, Lehre, Praxistätigkeit und Internationalisierung. Fragestellungen kombinieren Kerngebiete der Betriebswirtschaftslehre mit dem Anwendungsfeld Hochschulen als komplexe Organisationen. Daraus ergeben sich spannende und für viele Bereiche übertragbare Erkenntnisse.



CEU event series 'University in the Spotlight'

Invitation Speaker Series CEU April 25

You are kindly invited to the Central European University's Higher Education Research Group's event series. 

Prof. Barbara Sporn will join the panel on 23 May 2024 to give the Austrian perspective on the topic and bring in some of her thoughts based on her research interests.

The first event in the series University in the spotlight will be "Universities as political actors?" with keynote speaker Prof. Snježana Prijić–Samaržija, Rector of University of Rijeka (Croatia) and a student-led panel involving Prof. Em. of Modern history from University of Vienna, Mitchell Ash, followed by a reception in the student lounge. The purpose of the event series is to create space for an open discussion among CEU community members and invited national and international guests on hot topics affecting higher education in the world today.  

Date: 25 April at 3:30 - 5:40 

Place: Central European University, Quellenstraße 51, 1100 Vienna, Room D-002

Registration: Link

More info: Event page

This event is dedicated to exploring the responsibility of universities (and its members) to engage with society in times when there is pressure for universities to get actively engaged with global matters and events. What constitutes a legitimate reason for universities to speak out on particular issues publicly and what is the impact of such political positioning within and outside a university community? Do such actions turn universities into political actors, and if so, does it compromise the core values of academia, such as academic freedom? 

CEU's Higher Education Research Group's event seriesUniversity in the spotlight will continue with further with events on 

2 May 2024 on "Universities between nationalism and globalism" with Dr. Simon Marginson and Dr. Attila Pausits

16 May 2024 on "Students and the university: identity, agency and action" with Dr. Rille Raaper and Martin Unger  

23 May 2024 on “A top university with a diverse student body – Old and New Inequalities” with Dr. Pedro Teixeira and Prof. Dr. Barbara Schachermayer-Sporn.

Lehrveranstaltungen im Sommersemester 2024


Die Lehrveranstaltungen für das Sommersemester 2024 stehen fest. Wir bieten folgende Kurse mit interessanten (Gast-)Vortragenden an:

LV 5392: Advanced Strategic Leadership

LV 5432: Business Planning and Performance Management

LV 4410 + 4832: Professional Develpoment Workshop

Das aktuelle Vorlesungsverzeichnis für das Sommersemester mit den genauen Terminen und Details finden Sie hier.


Unser Institut freut sich über das Interesse von Studierenden, die ihre Abschlussarbeit unter unserer Supervision schreiben möchten. Die folgenden Themen stehen für Bachelor- und Masterarbeiten zur Verfügung:

  • The use of AI in teaching and learning

  • AI assisted Knowledge Management

  • AI use in Strategic Management

  • Influence of AI on Strategic Leadership

  • Strategy and Innovation in Expert Organizations

  • Strategic Leadership and Organizational Outcomes

  • Responsible Leadership and Corporate Social Responsibility

  • Governance and Performance Management in (Non-profit) Organizations

  • Competitiveness and Innovative Capacity of Expert Organizations

  • Business Models in Complex Organizations

  • Business Planning and Modelling

  • Marketing and Employer Branding in the Higher Education Sector  

Die genauen Guides zum Schreiben Ihrer Arbeit finden Sie hier.

SIMC Master in den Top Ten im QS Ranking

SIMC Master

Das SIMC Masterprogramm konnte erneut eine Top-Platzierung im QS Master in Management Ranking erzielen und befindet sich nun auf dem ausgezeichneten 10. Platz (von 148). Somit konnte sich SIMC global unter den Top 5% positionieren. Details zum Ranking finden Sie hier. Für nähere Informationen zum SIMC Master am Department für Strategy and Innovation besuchen Sie bitte die Website unter: Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien: Overview - Strategy, Innovation and Management Control - Master’s Programs (wu.ac.at)


just published

We are happy to share that the article "The conceptualisation of socially responsible universities in higher education research: a systematic literature review", authored by Ana Godonoga and Prof. Barbara Sporn is now published open access in the journal Studies in Higher Education! If you are interested to learn more about what it means to be a socially responsible university, please check our work here!