Außenansicht des Gründungszentrums im TC Gebäude

Danube Cup Semi-Final

Ort: Startet am 12. Mai 2022 um 14:00

The Danube Cup is an annual International Pitch Competition for students of universities along the Danube. Two Hungarian top universities, Corvinus University of Budapest and Budapest University of Technology and Economics, founded the competition in 2016. Danube Cup’s mission is to bring start-ups to international success, while bringing together the most motivated university startups along the river Danube. This year’s 6th edition is organized by WU Vienna.

The Semi-Final will take place on May 12th from 10am until 6pm online via Zoom. The event will be fully dedicated to the student startup teams, therefore we will start with a trial pitching round in front of the mentors. The teams will then receive feedback on their pitches and can improve during the dedicated working session before the real thing. 8 teams will make it to the Final Pitch Competition in Vienna, one team per university will be selected plus one more startup, that is voted by the community.

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