Die Erholunsgzone vor dem D4 Gebäude über dem Brunnen.

Institute for Statistics and MathematicsRSS

Welcome to the Institute for Statistics and Mathematics.

Institute for Statistics and Mathematics

Building D4
Welthandelsplatz 1
1020 Vienna

Tel: +43-1-31336-6300
Fax: +43-1-31336-905050

Institute Management

[Translate to English:] Gebäude D4

Ranking: WU researchers listed among the world’s top 2% researchers

We are very proud that our faculty members from the Institute for Statistics and Mathematics are listed in the full-career and in the single-year impact rankings. Congratulations!

[Translate to English:] D4

Research Seminar - Alexander Steinicke

We are pleased to announce the upcoming Research Seminar on October 23, 2024.

David Preinerstorfer

New Professor of Statistics and Econometics: David Preinerstorfer

We are pleased to welcome David Preinerstorfer as our new Professor of “Statistics and Econometics”. Before joining WU, David Preinerstorfer was Associate Professor of Econometrics at the Faculty of…