Simsa, Ruth

Univ.Prof. Dr. Simsa, Ruth

Univ.Prof. Dr. Simsa, Ruth


  • Studies of Economics at WU Vienna University of Economics and Business (completed in 1985)

  • Foreign Studies in Great Britain and Spain

  • Post-graduate Studies of Sociology at the Institute for Higher Studies Vienna

  • Training in Integrative Gestalt Therapy - ÖAGG

  • Training in Group Dynamics and Consulting (teaching trainer) – Austrian Society for Group Dynamics and Organizational Consulting

  • Training in Bioenergetics

1996 Dissertation
Title: Hierarchie und Zeit in Gesellschaft und Organisationen (Hierarchy and Time in Society and Organizations)

2000 Habilitation (Post-doctoral qualification): Venia legendi for sociology

Title: Gesellschaftliche Funktionen und Einflussformen von Nonprofit-Organisationen – eine systemtheoretische Analyse (Functions and Types of Influence of Nonprofit-Organisations – a systems-theoretical analysis)

2000 Senator Wilhelm Wilfling-Prize for scientific achievements

Selected Projects: Consulting and Management training

  • IMP (Institute for molecular pathology) & IMBA (Institute of Molecular Biotechnology) - Organizational Development

  • Generali: Management training

    • NGO Academy: Leadership Seminars 

    • AMS Austria: Training course for managers

  • Innovation in Politics Institute - strategy meeting

  • Strategy development Vaillant

  • Red Cross Austria (2008-2010): Development of guidelines and policy (Leitbild); Public Relation Reward (Staatspreis) in the category “internal communication”

  • Dialog Association: Development of Leadership Culture (2010-2012)

  • City Sankt Pölten - town council: Leadership Culture and Strategy (2010-1011)

  • Baxter Bioscience R&D:  Organisational Development (2008-2009)  

  • AMS Austria (Labour Market Service): Development and Implementation of Multi-Channel-Strategy (2008-2010)

  • Steiermärkische Krankenanstalten GmbH (Hospitals Association): Integration, Management- und Organisation (2006-2007)

  • Schönherr Attorneys at Law:  Post Merger Integration and Co-operation with CEE-offices  (2007-2010)

  • BACA-Leasing: Integration, Commitment and Worksatisfaction (04-06)

Selected Research Projects

  • MIND - Migration. INterconnectedness. Development. European Union, Austrian Development Cooperation. Caritas (2019-2020)

  • Civicus Update: Framework conditions for Austrian civil society. IGO Austria (2018-2019)

  • Third Europe: Fostering a new European profession – the Entrepreneurial Third Sector Leader. Erasmus+; Call: 2016 KA2 - Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training (2017-2019)

  • FAB-MOVE - For a Better Tomorrow: Social Entrepreneurship on the Move. EU RISE-program (2016-2019)

  • Civil Society and Social Movements in Spain. WU Jubilee Foundation (2014-2019)

  • The Contribution of the Third Sector to Europe’s Socio-economic Development. EU-FP7, EU-FP7 call SSH.2013.3.2-3 (2014-2017)

  • Contributions of civil society to the management of the refugee crisis. Project of the BAG - Federal Working Group for Social Services (2015-2016)

  • CIVICUS – Rapid Assessment. Framework Conditions for Civil Society in Austria. IGO (Interest Representation of Non-Profit Organisations) (2013-2014)

Current Positions

  • Associate professor: Institute for Sociology and Empirical Social Research

  • Scientific Head: Nonprofit and Social Entrepreneurship Competence Centre (2002-2018)

  • Editor-in-Chief: VOLUNTAS International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations

Room D4.3.030
