Hintere Außenansicht des D2 Gebäudes


Evaluation is the systematic measurement of an issue based on defined criteria (using social science research methods). The focus may be on different evaluation items, such as projects, programs, measures, products or organizations.

Evaluations can fulfill different functions. On the one hand, they help to generate insights that are used, for example, as a basis for strategic decision-making. Alternatively, evaluations can also perform a control function by monitoring efficiency or, in the case of impact-oriented evaluations, effectiveness. In practice, evaluations often aim to legitimize services or measures – arguments that can also be derived from the efficiency or effectiveness test. This is mainly possible because evaluations usually provide measurable results for the evaluated items. Evaluations can also be used to establish and promote dialogue between stakeholders.

The NPO Competence Center has many years of expertise in the evaluation of various programs, projects and organizations, including their internal processes and generated results.

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Reference Projects


Mag.rer.soc.oec. Olivia Rauscher

Olivia Rauscher

Senior Researcher
Responsibilities: Social Impact Measurements focusing on SROI analysis, evaluation, social inequality, poverty reduction, health promotion and prevention