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Impact Evaluation "everyone codes" (Get Active Award Winner Project 2019)

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© Copyright: everyone codes

everyone codes, the winning project of the Get Active Social Business Award 2019, is a social business that helps refugees and unemployed people to learn programming. The goal is to enable refugees and unemployed people to integrate into the first Austrian labor market and society, so that they can participate in society and make a positive contribution to living together.

The NPO & SE Competence Center conducted an evaluation as it does for every winning project of the Get Active Social Business Award. Specifically, an impact analysis was used to check whether or to what extent the set impact goals of the project were also achieved.

Overall, "everyone codes" is considered a good project for training people with little or no previous knowledge to become software developers. The main beneficiaries of the project are unemployed people who receive basic training in programming through the training programme of "everyone codes", become more self-confident and have more professional confidence. In principle, "everyone codes" is also considered successful in integrating the unemployed into the primary labour market. However, in order to determine the extent to which unemployed people are integrated into the primary labour market in the long term, a more comprehensive study must be conducted.

Mag.rer.soc.oec. Olivia Rauscher

Olivia Rauscher

Senior Researcher
Responsibilities: Social Impact Measurements focusing on SROI analysis, evaluation, social inequality, poverty reduction, health promotion and prevention