Im Sprachlernzentrum nimmt eine Studierende ein französisches Wörterbuch aus dem Regal

Language Counseling

For questions on language learning you can contact our helpdesk at Sprachlernzentrum or

Students looking for support for autonomous learning or seeking personal advice for optimal language learning can book an appointment with one of our language experts. This service is aimed mainly at participants in the Tandem Language Learning Program, students attending language courses or students that want to use the Busuu learning app.

In order to make an appointment please fill in the questionnaire.


Mon - Fri: 5:30 - 9:00pm
Sat: 9:30 am - 1:00pm

Please note that the tutors offer neither text editing services nor extensive private tutoring.

Laura studies Business, Economics and Social Sciences and speaks German, Croatian, English and Italian.

Laura Farmer, Tutor

Stefanie studies Business, Economics and Social Sciences and speaks German, English and Italian.

Stefanie Gredler, Tutor

Lilla studies International Business Economics and Chinese and speaks German, Hungarian, English and Chinese.

Lilla Veronika Tar, Tutor

Anna speaks German, English and Spanish.

Anna Ehlmaier, Tutor

Matis studies Business and Economics and speaks German, French and English.

Matis Igel, Tutor