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Legal Textbook Collection now available in the Library for Law

Behind the scenes of WU Library, we are also busy during the summer months.

Reading scholarly texts

You’ve found some promising sources and want to quickly determine if they are relevant to your work?

Final Paper? Piece of Cake!

Make hay while the sun shines – the WU Library team gives you a hand.

Accessibility at the WU Library

Do you need a large font keyboard or a Braille printer? Are you looking for a room where you can write an exam without distraction?

WU Theses & Research Consultation

You want to start your master’s thesis soon and are looking for inspiration?

360° Tours of the Central Library

Through our virtual tours, you now have the opportunity to explore the Central Library from your desk or from home.

Fast track to full texts

We now take you even faster to the full text of a journal article.

WU Library – News regarding our databases

The University Library offers access to around 170 databases covering a wide array of resource types. Here are the latest developments we would like to bring to your attention:

Book care & bookbinding workshop in the WU Library

Discover how we preserve books for long-term use.

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