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Oskar J. Gstrein

Oskar J. Gstrein

Oskar J. Gstrein

Mag. phil. Dr. iur. Oskar J. Gstrein is Associate Professor at the Department of Governance and Innovation of the interdisciplinary Faculty Campus Fryslân, University of Groningen (The Netherlands). He is also Programme Director of the BSc Data Science & Society and Theme Coordinator 'Data Autonomy' at the Jantina Tammes School of Digital Society, Technology and AI.

Oskar joined the University of Groningen to work with the first United Nations Special Rapporteur on the right to privacy. His overall research theme is 'Human Dignity in the Digital Age'. His research explores the transitions from abstract principles (e.g. human rights/ethical principles) into concrete legal or governance frameworks. His teaching is inspired by a contemporary interpretation of the Humboldtian model of higher education.