Das TC Gebäude bei Nacht.

Workshop Program


Notes to Presenters

…   which could be helpful to make this workshop a pleasant experience for everybody. The slots are 25 min. per extended abstract and should give enough room for discussion (approximately 10 min.). Please approach your session chair 15 min. before your scheduled presentation and upload your presentation to the computer (or send your presentation until September 27st to bkrumay@wu.ac.at). Some other recommendations that may help you in preparing your presentation:

  • The audience is there to support you in further developing your papers, so try to address them appropriately.

  • In planning your presentation you must first answer the questions ‘why do I want to talk to these people?’ / ‘What do they expect from me?’ / ‘What can I expect from them?’

  • Structure your presentation in a similar way as your extended abstract.

  • The purpose of the presentation is to encourage the audience to provide feedback and support you in your next step to further develop the extended abstract.

  • Prepare well in advance to allow a pleasant experience for all and having a smoothly-running presentation without anxiety. Please do not read your paper during presentation! Try to find a good size of fonts and graphics!

Presentation Equipment

…   is available at the venue (computer and LCD projector). If you require other equipment please let us know well in advance and be aware that this may incur an additional charge payable.