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Bachelor theses Finance, Accounting and Statistics

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Topics allocation in the summer term 2025: March 20, 2025

General criteria for evaluation of bachelor theses:

BaWiSo: Successful completion of

  • the STEOP,

  • all business-related courses of the CBK,

  • the PI Statistik, and

  • the PI Grundlagen wissenschaftlichen Arbeitens or Forschungsmethoden

BaWiRe: Successful completion of

  • the STEOP,

  • the CBK courses, and

  • the PI Grundlagen rechtswissenschaftlichen Arbeitens

  • Please note: According to §11(3) of the BAWIRE curriculum, the topic of the Bachelor's thesis must be taken from the compulsory and optional law courses of the curriculum!

BBE: Successful completion of

  • the Introductory Phase and

  • the two courses in the area of Academic Skills


  • Finance: February 3 - March 2, 2025

  • SBWL Accounting & Taxation (ReSt):February 16 - March 2, 2025

  • SBWL International Accounting & Controlling and SBWL Sustainability Reporting: February 3 - March 2, 2025

  • Statistics and Mathematics: February 3 - March 2, 2025

Please find the details of the application procedures for your preferred field below.

Each semester, the following number of bachelor theses are assigned:

  • 70 bachelor theses in the field of Finance,

  • 36 bachelor theses in Statistics and Mathematics:

    • 5 theses are assigned by Dr. Ronald Hochreiter

    • 31 theses are assigned with a preference system (application via a LEARN Club, see below)

  • as well as 54 bachelor theses in the field of Accounting:

    • 27 in the SBWL Accounting & Taxation (ReSt)

    • 27 in the SBWL International Accounting & Controlling and SBWL Sustainability Reporting.

Except for the 5 thesis that are assigned by Dr. Hochreiter, all topics are assigned through a centralized process that is described below.

  • Some bachelor studies at WU require students to take the course "Principles of Scientific Work" (Grundlagen wissenschaftlichen Arbeitens - GWA). The Department of Finance, Accounting & Statistics does not recommend a specific course. Students can choose any "Principles of Scientific Work" lecture from any subject area.

  • Students of the BaWiSo12 and BaWiRe12 curricula can take the lecture "Numerical Methods in Finance" instead of a GWA course.

  • Bachelor thesis topics in Finance and Accounting are assigned via an application tool. Applications are ranked by grade average (see details below).

  • Students can complete the course “Principles of Scientific Work” or "Numerical Methods in Finance" while working on the bachelor thesis. Completion of the course is not a prerequisite for the application process.

Mode for Finance

Mode for Accounting - SBWL Accounting & Taxation (ReSt)

Mode for Accounting - SBWL International Accounting & Controlling and SBWL Sustainability Reporting

Mode for Statistics and Mathematics:

Mode for Business and Economics (BBE)

Multiple registrations:

Multiple registrations are allowed. You can freely register for the various preregistration clubs from Finance, Statistics and Mathematics and the accounting fields. If you receive a topic from more than one field, you will be informed and then have to choose a topic within 48 hours. The rejected topics will be passed on to students ranked on the waiting lists.

Timeframe and lock

  • From the date of allocation, students have exactly 6 months to write and submit their bachelor thesis.

  • In the new allocation system, NO postponement of the bachelor thesis to subsequent terms nor seat reservation is permitted. By registering, you explicitly declare that you want to write your bachelor thesis in summer term 2025. If you refuse to accept an assigned topic, you will be automatically blocked from participating in the allocation process in the following term!

  • However, it is possible to unsubscribe from the clubs within the registration period.

  • In the event of unjustified delays, supervision can be withdrawn and the topic may be blocked. In any case, a new registration for the allocation process is required - in a future semester!


The completed thesis must to be uploaded as a PDF to myWU at which point it will automatically be checked for plagiarism. The file name is assigned according to the pattern "Students ID Number.pdf".

Please note that the time between submission and grading can be up to 4 weeks!

The grading is carried out purely electronically, as soon as the supervisor has entered and signed the grade in the system, it can be viewed by you in the LPIS system.

The submission of any supplied, separate forms, data sets, calculations, illustrations, etc. is usually not done via LEARN, but directly to the supervisor and should be discussed directly with them.

Please observe the general formal regulations and citation rules as well as the requirements of your supervisor!

Together with the thesis, the cover page must be submitted with the date of submission and signature. This can be the first sheet in the PDF file of the bachelor thesis. No grading without cover!

More Information and forms can be found here.

Some examples of the topics assigned so far, depending on their specialization, can be found here.