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Christof Miska

Mag. Dr. Christof Miska, MIM

Office: D1.5.050
Office Hours: Tuesday 08.00 - 10.00

Phone: +43-1-31336-4346
Fax: +43-1-31336-90-4346


Position at IIB, other positions and academic career

Christof Miska is a post-doctoral research and teaching associate at the Institute for International Business. He earned his doctoral degree in international business from WU Vienna and is an alumnus of the Nordic Research School of International Business (NORD IB). He also holds a master's degree in international business administration from WU Vienna as well as the CEMS master's in international management. The latter was earned from WU Vienna, Copenhagen Business School, and Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi. Christof gained industry experience through internationally-oriented project and consulting work with a number of reputable SMEs and MNCs across Europe.

Research interest

Christof's research interests focus on responsible global leadership, a contemporary approach to global leadership studies with a particular focus on ethics and corporate social responsibility (CSR). Respectively, his research is rooted in studies of leadership, CSR, and ethics as well as in broader areas related to international organizational behavior and international management, cross-cultural management, and positive organizational scholarship. Christof's research has been published in journals such as Organizational Dynamics, Thunderbird International Business Review, and European Journal of International Management, and was presented at major academic conferences including the Academy of Management (AoM) and Academy of International Business (AIB) annual meetings. Christof aims at translating his research into high-level teaching at all levels with a particular focus on experience-based learning.