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Julian Jonathan Markus


Julian Jonathan Markus, MSc (RSM)

Office: D1.3.044
Office Hours: By appointment

Phone: +43-1-31336-4425
Fax: +43-1-31336-90-4425


Position at IIB, other positions and academic career

Julian is a Research and Teaching Associate (Ph.D. candidate) and has been at the Institute for International Business since September 2022.   

He is a Dutch, trilingual (working on a fourth language) Human Resource Management / Organisational Behavior, and International Business / Management scholar. Before joining the institute Julian studied International Management and International Business at Avans UAS in Breda and NEOMA Business School in Reims through the IPBS International Double Degree. These studies were complemented by international internships and work experience in The Netherlands, Malta, Bulgaria, France, and Belgium. In pursuit of higher education, Julian commenced a two-year Master of Science trajectory at the Rotterdam School of Management where he graduated with distinction and was awarded the HRM Thesis of the year award.  

Julian, for the better part of his studies, aimed for and had a corporate career in Human Resources Management and related areas. However, during his Master's studies, he gained relevant work experience in Education and Research which motivated a career switch to Academia.  

Research interest

With relevant experience and a strong interest in Human Resource Management and Organisational Behavior Julian aims to focus his research on these subjects within the International Business context. Further understanding; of the behaviors of people in organizations, how human resources can be managed, and how organizations can cope in the globalized new world of work is the aim.