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Department of Business CommunicationRSS


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Public Lecture: David Wei DAI

"What can we learn from using GenAI to teach intercultural professional communication? A call for Critical Interactional Competence"| David Wei DAI | 17:00, room D2.2.228

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Public Lecture: Elena Semino

"Metaphors and vaccines: Opportunities and challenges"| Elena Semino | 17:00, room D2.2.228


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Habilitation Susanne Kopf

On November 14, 2024, Susanne Kopf was awarded the Venia Docendi in Applied Linguistics for her habilitation titled "A linguistic perspective on social media and the digital platform economy: between…

[Translate to English:] Franzisca

Change Agents for Sustainability

Prof. Franzisca Weder and her team just published the final report of their analysis of the jobmarket for sustainability and DEI managers, their (self-defined) role in organizational and corporate…

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Awards for Milena Nagengast

We are thrilled to announce that our colleague Milena Nagengast has received two awards for her outstanding dissertation entitled "Evaluation in Earnings Announcements: An Analysis of Their Accounting…