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Digitization and Older People; Active and Assisted Living (AAL)

CARUcares: Co-creation and evaluation of a voice controlled emergency call feature for mobile care and assited living

Further publications: https://bach.wu.ac.at/d/research/projects/3377/#pub

fit4AAL-Outcomes: Evaluation of usability and effectiveness of fitness technology for older people (in German only):

CiM-Outcomes - Evaluating effectiveness of ICT-based systems to promote physical activity and care networks for older people


REAAL - Evaluation of a pilot project in AAL

Economic Analysis of Long-term Care

EXCELC - Exploring Comparative Effectiveness and Efficiency in Long-term Care

Ergebnisqualität in Wiener Tageszentren - Eine qualitative Analyse

Informal Care

Wiener Studie zur informellen Pflege und Betreuung älterer Menschen (VIC2008)

Housing Situation of Older People

Caring Cities: Long-term Care in Central European Cities

Urban Aging


Productive Aging