Inhalt dieses Kapitels
- Bruhn, M.; Herbst, U. | Marketing für Nonprofit-Organisationen: Grundlagen - Konzepte - Instrumente
- Beer, J. | The Quest for Belonging: How the Most Effective Nonprofit Leaders Understand the Psychology of Giving
- Gaggin, K. C. | Nonprofit Communications: A Mission-Driven and Human-Centered Approach
- Renz, D. O. | The Jossey-Bass Handbook of Nonprofit Leadership and Management
- Pakroo, P. J. D. | Starting & Building a Nonprofit: A Practical Guide
- Worth, M. J. | Nonprofit Management: Principles and Practice
- Stötzer, S.; Kaltenbrunner, K. | In-kind donations – Peculiarities and challenges of product philanthropy
Bruhn, M.; Herbst, U. | Marketing für Nonprofit-Organisationen: Grundlagen - Konzepte - Instrumente
Publisher: W. Kohlhammer GmbH; 3., überarbeitete Edition
Publication Date: 31. Dezember 2024
ISBN-13: 978-3170406308
Aufgrund zunehmenden Wettbewerbs und rückläufiger staatlicher Förderung hängt der Erfolg von Nonprofit-Organisationen immer stärker von der Marktorientierung ab. Im vorliegenden Buch wird deshalb nicht nur das klassische Marketing auf nicht-kommerzielle Institutionen übertragen, sondern ein eigenständiger Ansatz aufgezeigt. Zunächst werden die Besonderheiten von Nonprofit-Organisationen herausgearbeitet und dann die zentralen Aufgaben bei der Planung, Organisation, Durchführung und Kontrolle eines Marketingprozesses. Im Mittelpunkt steht dabei die konsequente Ausrichtung der Aktivitäten an den Erwartungen der internen und externen Anspruchsgruppen sowie an den Marktveränderungen. Zahlreiche Beispiele verdeutlichen die Möglichkeiten einer effizienten Gestaltung der Ressourcen-, Absatz- und Kommunikationspolitik. Zudem finden die aktuellen Entwicklungen und Erkenntnisse, zum Beispiel in den Bereichen Social Media-Kommunikation oder Relationship Fundraising, Berücksichtigung.
Beer, J. | The Quest for Belonging: How the Most Effective Nonprofit Leaders Understand the Psychology of Giving
Publisher: Post Hill Press
Publication Date: 16. July 2024
ISBN-13: 979-8888454688
Beer argues that the better a nonprofit organization can speak to donors’ needs to construct and maintain an identity and to belong to something larger than themselves, the more successful the nonprofit will be in attracting supporters to its mission. He explains how nonprofit executives and fundraisers can effectively engage a donor’s identity and provide a sense of belonging in three powerful ways: by telling stories, by building genuine relationships, and by giving donors positive experiences with the organization and with one another.
The Quest for Belonging is packed with trenchant, useful, and sometimes surprising observations gleaned from Beer’s interviews with highly successful fundraisers, scholars, writers, and nonprofit leaders. This book is a trove of practical advice as well as a paradigm-shifting work on the psychology of giving and the art and craft of fundraising.
Gaggin, K. C. | Nonprofit Communications: A Mission-Driven and Human-Centered Approach

Publisher: Routledge
Publication Date: 02. April 2024
Version: Kindle Edition
ISBN: 1032461144
Acknowledging that nonprofit organizations, like commercial businesses, cannot succeed without a communications strategy that supports their overall business goals, seasoned practitioner and educator Kelly C. Gaggin explores the industry in a way that nurtures the servant’s heart while clearly discussing the business structure of nonprofits and the need (in most cases) to earn revenue to provide services. She teaches a strategic and integrated approach to communications that is mission-based and human-centric to align the values of the nonprofit sector with the campaign planning process. This text offers a view of nonprofits at local, national, and international levels of impact and explores those relationships while keeping in mind the value and needs of those being served.
This book is an indispensable text for undergraduate and graduate courses in nonprofit strategic communications and/or management as well as an essential resource for nonprofit industry professionals.
Renz, D. O. | The Jossey-Bass Handbook of Nonprofit Leadership and Management
Publisher: Jossey-Bass; 5th edition
Publication Date: 19. March 2024
ISBN-13: 978-1394198863
The newly revised Fifth Edition of The Jossey-Bass Handbook of Nonprofit Leadership and Management is an insightful and up-to-date exploration of the most relevant research, theory, and practices in the field of nonprofit leadership and management. The editors present insights from leading authors in each subject, with particular attention to the unique challenges confronting all nonprofit leaders. You’ll find extensive discussion of leader accountability, for both staff and volunteers, and the increased pressure on nonprofits to demonstrate outcomes and impact in the midst of one of the most challenging eras of the sector’s history.
This edition contains substantially updated information with particular attention to the development of the sector during the last five years, including social innovation and entrepreneurship, financial leadership and resource development, HRM and workforce development, advocacy and branding, social justice and equity, and key trends in third sector management.
A must-read for leaders, managers, educators, researchers, and students seeking a one-stop resource on the latest insights and scholarship in the nonprofit field, The Jossey-Bass Handbook of Nonprofit Leadership and Management, Fifth Edition will also benefit all who are leading forward-looking nonprofit organizations.
Pakroo, P. J. D. | Starting & Building a Nonprofit: A Practical Guide
Publisher: NOLO; Tenth edition
Publication Date: 27. February 2024
ISBN-13: 978-1413331516
Whether you’re dreaming of starting a nonprofit or are already running one, Starting and Building a Nonprofit will help your organization succeed. The fully updated tenth edition contains new material on defining and tracking goals when developing a digital strategy. It also includes information on additional fundraising tools to get financial support, such as using premium content platforms like Patreon and Substack.
Worth, M. J. | Nonprofit Management: Principles and Practice
Publisher: CQ Press; Seventh edition
Publication Date: 19. Feburary 2024
ISBN-13: 978-1071884089
Michael J. Worth’s best-seller, Nonprofit Management: Principles and Practice, provides a comprehensive, insightful overview of key topics nonprofit leaders encounter daily. Worth covers both the governance and management of nonprofit organizations―the scope and structure of the nonprofit sector, leadership of nonprofits, management, fundraising, earned income strategies, financial management, lobbying and advocacy, managing international and global organizations, and social entrepreneurship―helping readers understand what they are and how they work. The text balances research, theory, and practitioner literature with current cases and the most recent data available, making it appropriate for undergraduates, graduate students, and nonprofit professionals.
Stötzer, S.; Kaltenbrunner, K. | In-kind donations – Peculiarities and challenges of product philanthropy
Publication: International Review on Public and Nonprofit Marketing
Publisher: Springer
Publication Date: 06. November 2023
Open Access Link:
In-kind donations are an essential resource for many nonprofit organizations (NPO). However, their high practical relevance is not yet reflected in the literature on nonprofit marketing and fundraising which still focuses primarily on cash giving. Against this background, we summarize the limited and fragmentary literature on in-kind giving and provide some practical insights.
The paper makes several contributions: first, we present an income classification of NPO’s manifold mix of resource sources that includes in-kind donations. Second, a classification of (cash and non-cash) donations categorizes the heterogeneous forms of donations and, in particular, financial surrogates. Third, and based on this typology, we develop a comprehensive definition of in-kind donations as an important step towards conceptualization. Fourth, we outline the specifics of in-kind donations and associated challenges via three case vignettes that illustrate practical experiences of NPO in dealing with product philanthropy. Finally, we give some recommendations for NPO’s in-kind fundraising endeavours and indicate avenues for further research.