Außenansicht der Executive Academy

Ann-Kathrin Herfeld, MSc, MIM

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Picture of Ann-Kathrin Herfeld, MSc.

Ann-Kathrin Herfeld’s research focuses on the impact of uncertainty on strategic alliances. In particular she studies the effect of uncertainty on alliance governance choice with a focus on minority equity alliance as well as the effect of extreme uncertainty and disruption on alliances in the pre-formation phase.

Ann-Kathrin is a graduate of the CEMS Master in International Management from WU and Rotterdam School of Management. She obtained her bachelor’s degree in International Business from WU. During her bachelor studies she participated in Summer Scholar Programs in the USA and in Montenegro.

Prior to joining the Institute in September 2017 she worked as a research and teaching assistant and as a freelance research assistant for the Institute for International Business at WU and gained practical experiences working for MNCs and SMEs in various industries.

As a lecturer she is teaching the undergraduate course “Advanced Strategic Management”. Her teaching experience includes the graduate courses “Fundamentals of Strategic Management” and “Elective Strategic Alliances” as well as the undergraduate course “International Strategic Management 1” and “International Strategic Management 2”.

Ann-Kathrin is responsible for organizing the "Working Group on Strategic Alliances", a bi-annually exchange forum with alliance practitioners from Austria, Germany and other European countries that is co-organized with FU Berlin and IESE Business School.

Since 2022 Ann-Kathrin is part of the Technology Transformation Taskforce of the Strategic Management Society. In 2020 and 2021 she acted as the Engagement Ambassador of the Cooperative Strategies Interest Group of the Strategic Management Society. She co-organized and co-moderated the webinars “Navigating the Tenure Track” and “The Job Market During the Pandemic” and organized other events for the Interest Group.

Contact Ann-Kathrin +43 1 31336 5597 /