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ERMAC Keynote Speakers

"I really enjoyed the ERMAC conference. I was impressed by the energy, enthusiasm and research ideas of the young scholars. The presentations with coach and peer comments provided the ideal forum for improving ongoing projects."

Jasmijn Bol, Tulane University

More about Jasmijn

"This was a wonderful conference, and I was impressed with the energy and enthusiasm it is bringing to research at the intersection of management accounting and general management. I really enjoyed being part of this community and contributing to the trajectory of young scholars engaged in research at this intersection."

Dennis W. Campbell, Harvard Business School

More about Dennis

"Coming from management, it was fantastic to see cutting edge research presented by management accounting control scholars. The ERMAC conference is creating a unique community at the intersection of management and managerial accounting research."

Laura B. Cardinal, University of South Carolina

More about Laura

ERMAC is an incredible conference! Meeting with emerging management accounting scholars and providing feedback on their research papers and proposals was a rewarding experience. It was wonderful to learn more about their innovative research ideas. I also enjoyed the opportunity to engage with practitioners in the “Thought Bridge” session and learn more about the latest trends and contemporary challenges in practice.

Willie Choi, Wisconsin School of Business

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"The ERMAC conference was a great mix of practice and theory, practitioners and academics, and young and experienced researchers. Worth attending it."

Antonio Dávila, IESE Business School

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"It was a great pleasure to be able to engage in the debat with management accounting and management scholars on new (and overlapping) directions that these fields are heading in to."

Henri Dekker, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

More about Henri

“ERMAC is truly a one-of-a-kind experience in all the best ways! It was a joy to connect with up-and-coming management accounting scholars, to help shape their research at stages when it could help them the most, and to learn from them in return. In addition, the ‘Thought Bridge’ session connecting academics and accomplished practitioners is a unique and much-needed way to inspire meaningful research. All-in-all, this conference is a gift to all who attend.”

Anne M. (Annie) Farrell, Miami University Farmer School of Business

More about Annie

"I found the ERMAC Conference to be one of the most useful conferences for young scholars that I have ever attended. The informal, interactive discussions between senior and junior faculty members and the participating doctoral students that followed each paper presentation provided the ideal forum for developing new research ideas and improving ongoing projects. When combined with the participation of practitioners, ERMAC provides a powerful setting for advancing cutting-edge management accounting research."

Christopher D. Ittner, The Wharton School

More about Chris

"It was a joy to participate in the ERMAC conference, and meet the next generation of Management Accounting researchers in Europe, coaching them on their early-stage research, as well as sharing some thoughts on how to develop management accounting research ideas. Unlike in many other conferences, the number of participants is deliberately kept small, allowing me to connect with every person individually. The “Thought Bridge” session provided an interesting bridge between academe and practice – one of the sources of new research ideas!"

Eva Labro, Kenan-Flagler Business School

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"The community of young scholars around ERMAC is a lively group, eager to share new ideas and explore improvements in research methods. They have significant potential to transform the landscape of accounting research in Europe."

Joan Luft, Michigan State University

More about Joan

ERMAC was such an amazing experience. Building a community of young European scholars is important to continue building on the successes of research contributions in management accounting. Getting to see the innovative ideas and provide valuable feedback at an early stage is a privilege. I can’t wait to see some of these studies in print! The interface with practitioners is especially important to allow junior academics to not only meet and interact with these professionals, but see the clear link between our research and practice. I hope to be part of ERMAC for years to come!

Melissa Martin, University of Illinois Chicago

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"A great conference to meet the next generation of management accounting scholars from Europe. I enjoyed the informal setting and interaction with PhD students and early-career researchers. I also appreciated that many presentations and research proposals featured practically relevant topics and insights. The venue of the conference and the dinner could not be more charming and enjoyable!"

Michal Matějka, W.P. Carey School of Business

More about Michal

"The presentations at the ERMAC conference were uniformly excellent, and the engagement with the participants was outstanding. It was a pleasure to be part of the conference."

Kenneth A. Merchant, University of Southern California

More about Kenneth

"The ERMAC conference is amazing! The blend of accounting and management perspectives coupled with the smaller size of the gathering helps to create rich discussions and insights. The energy brought by the doctoral students and others is infectious. My own work benefited greatly from participating in this exciting conference. I can’t wait to return!"

Chet Miller, University of Houston

More about Chet

"WU/IFU has succeeded in setting up a conference that is a valuable addition to the list of conferences for management accounting researchers. Especially those interested in the link between management accounting and management should block their calendar."

Frank Moers, Maastricht University

More about Frank

"ERMAC is a wonderful forum for learning, cross-collaboration and inspiration for innovative research across disciplines."

George Serafeim, Harvard Business School

More about George

"This conference provided a good opportunity and wonderful experience to learn and talk about management accounting research and for me to help new management accounting scholars develop their own research."

Michael Shields, Michigan State University

More about Michael

"The ERMAC Conference is a unique venue for those with an interest in organizational control and in drawing upon a wide variety of disciplines and perspectives to better understand the phenomenon. Presentations and discussions were interesting and engaging, with participants grappling with important, new problems."

Sim B. Sitkin, Duke University

More about Sim

“It was great to have the rare opportunity to see presentations from both accounting and management scholars, and to partake in discussions among them.”

Wim A. Van der Stede, London School of Economics

More about Wim

ERMAC is truly invigorating. It is the only conference I know that excels in helping students develop their early work, not only through discussions with a small group of students and coaches but also via the thorough pre-conference review process. Tremendous effort goes into ensuring that students and coaches have meaningful interactions. I absolutely loved the “Thought Bridge” session, which creates a unique opportunity for conversations between practitioners and academics. It’s incredibly enlightening to hear from both a practitioner and a researcher on topics that interest both sides, offering a well-rounded learning experience.

Laura Wang, University of Illinois

More about Laura

I thoroughly enjoyed the ERMAC conference. I found the conference design, which included small-group exchanges with PhD students, to facilitate stimulating and thought-provoking discussions in a friendly environment. The intimacy of the conference encouraged interactions and relationship-building amongst the attendees. I highly recommend PhD students and scholars interested in management, management accounting, and control to attend the conference if the opportunity arises; if the opportunity presents itself for me to return, I would certainly do so! Thanks to Gerhard Speckbacher, WU, and Karin Zemanek for organizing such a terrific conference.

Sally K. Widener, Clemson University

More about Sally

“While this is an all-around amazing conference, I especially enjoyed the opportunity it provides to talk to new scholars about their creative research ideas in a small group setting.”

Michael Williamson, University of Illinois

More about Michael