Blick in das LC Gebäude

Research Talk by Koert van Ittersum; University of Groningen (NL)


Koert van Ittersum presented his research on in-store shopping dynamics in the department’s Research Seminar Series. Koert is professor of marketing and consumer well-being at the University of Groningen (NL). His research focusses on health, happiness and prosperity and is published in leading journals in marketing, management, medicine and agricultural economics. In the research seminar, Koert presented novel insights from different research projects on in-store shopping dynamics in the domains of spending, promotions, and the healthiness of purchases. He explained, for instance, how shoppers on a budget show different spending patterns during the course of a shopping trip than non-budget shoppers. He also discussed with the seminar participants how timing of in-store-promotions can affect promotion redemption. Apart from the research seminar, Koert also held a PhD-seminar where he gave PhD students the opportunity to have a glimpse behind the scenes of several of his papers. He discussed the processes and challenges of publishing and gave valuable advice on how to tackle these challenges. We thank Koert for his visit, and the inspiring talk and discussions.

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