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Dr. Christian Höllerschmid

Dr Christian Höllerschmid

Dr Christian Höllerschmid

Associate Lecturer

Dr Christian Höllerschmid is the Director Group Accounting of Semperit AG Holding, responsible for Group accounting, the accounting of Semperit AG Holding, the capital market compliance and the Group's taxes and credit management. Until 12/2017 he headed the consolidation & IFRS division of IMMOFINANZ. Previously, he worked as a Senior Group Accountant or IFRS expert in Group Controlling at VERBUND. Dr Christian Höllerschmid was employed by the department as a project employee from 02/2004 to 11/2004. Then he worked as a Research Assistant at the Institute of Business Administration (until 09/2006) and as a Research Associate and University Assistant at the Department of Corporate Accounting and Auditing (until 01/2009) at the Vienna University of Economic and Business. He was a visiting lecturer at the KU Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, is a university and university lecturer as well as a member of the AFRAC working groups International Financial Reporting (AG-IFR) and Financial Instruments (AG-FIN).


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