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WU Awards 2019


We are very proud to inform that members of our Department will receive numerous prizes for outstanding research and excellent teaching performance at this year’s WU Awards ceremony:

WU Star Journal publications:

  • Sylvia Frühwirth-Schnatter, Angela Bitto-Nemling (Institute for Statistics and Mathematics)

    • Achieving shrinkage in a time-varying parameter model framework. Journal of Econometrics. 210 (1), 75-97

  • Gregor Kastner (Institute for Statistics and Mathematics)

    • Sparse Bayesian Time-Varying Covariance Estimation in Many Dimensions. Journal of Econometrics. 210 (1), 98-115

  • Josef Zechner (Institute for Finance, Banking and Insurance)

    • Corporate Debt Maturity Profiles, Journal of Financial Economics. 130 (3), 484-502 (joint with Choi Jaewon u. Hackbarth Dirk)

Excellent Teaching:

The WU Jury awards Walter Böhm from the Institute for Statistics and Mathematics as well as Birgit Höfler from the Institute for Accounting and Auditing for their excellence in teaching.


The outstanding Bachelor Thesis from Lisa Höss „Recent Developments in the Taxation of Cross-Border Activities of US Corporate Groups”  is among the Talenta winners 2019. This Bachelor Thesis was supervised by Harald Amberger from the Institute for Accounting and Auditing.

Congratulations to all award winners!

The WU Awards ceremony takes place on June 13, 4:00 pm at WU, Library & Learning Center, Festsaal 1. Please register

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