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Past events

10 April 2024

AI in Digital Government. Balancing innovation and data sovereignty. WU joins the World Bank GovTech network!

Verena Dorner

Organisation: Verena Dorner & João Ricardo Vasconcelos (World Bank GovTech initiative)

In the WU matters.WU talks. series.
Changing your place of residence, renewing your passport, applying for a postal voting card – digital services simplify public administration. Now AI is set to revolutionize digital government services (GovTech). How can GovTech leverage AI to swiftly adjust to the changing needs of diverse citizen groups? How can AI assist in the sustainable digital transformation in low- and middle-income countries? And what does that mean for data sovereignty? What is a good balance between inclusive, convenient government services and control over your data? Join us for a timely debate about how AI will reshape digital government services.

More information & Registration

20 March 2024

AI for All: A roadmap to Universal AI Literacy. How to make AI accessible and beneficial to everyone

Christina Schamp

Organisation: Christina Schamp

In the WU matters.WU talks. series.
Due to the rapid advancements of generative AI models, capable of crafting texts or images, the buzz surrounding artificial intelligence has reached everyone's ears. At the same time, most people have just started to understand the impact of AI on their professional and daily lives. Who will be most impacted by the AI revolution? And how can we ensure that the benefits of AI are evenly distributed across all segments of society? Join us for a panel discussion where experts aim to explore strategies for fostering responsible and informed AI adoption among the general public.

More Information & Registration

29 February 2024

Symposium: Automatisierung der Arbeit – Chancen und Risiken des Einsatzes Künstlicher Intelligenz im Betrieb

Susanne Auer-Mayer; Andreas Tinhofer

Organisation: Susanne Auer-Mayer und Andreas Tinhofer

Digitale Technologien haben die Arbeitswelt in den letzten Jahrzehnten in vielen Bereichen stark verändert. So werden die Art und Weise, wie wir arbeiten, kommunizieren und mit Informationen umgehen, zunehmend durch Algorithmen und Systeme künstlicher Intelligenz bestimmt. Angesichts dieser neuen Entwicklungen stellt sich die Frage, wie Gesetzgebung und Gerichte auf diese neuen Herausforderungen für das Verhältnis zwischen Arbeitgeber*innen und Arbeitnehmer*innen sowie zwischen den Sozialpartnern reagieren sollen. Dies nehmen wir zum Anlass, Chancen und Risiken des Einsatzes Künstlicher Intelligenz im Betrieb am 29.2.2024 im Rahmen einer Tagung an der Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien näher zu beleuchten.


18 January 2024

WU Research Encounters – Uniting AI Insights Across Disciplines

Susann Fiedler

Organisation: Susann Fiedler & FoKo & Vice Rektorat of Research & 3rd Mission

WU's 11 departments provide a great ground for interdisciplinary collaboration, particularly in the dynamic field of Artificial Intelligence. In an attempt to make such interdisciplinary exchange easier, we are delighted to invite you for the 1st "WU Research Encounters" a joint initiative of the VR Research & Third Mission and FoKo dedicated to exploring AI through the diverse perspectives of our WU community.

This event will connect various academic disciplines, enhancing our collective grasp of Artificial Intelligence and its wide-ranging consequences. The event will feature several flash talks (~ 8 mins each), offering a glimpse into the current research of WU-based scholars. It's an opportunity to identify potential synergies and overlaps in our work. Following the talks, we invite you to enjoy some relaxed networking over a glass of water or wine and some finger food. Feel free to bring this invitation to the attention of fellow WU colleagues who may be interested in joining us for this event.