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NESET II Veröffentlichung Downes/Nairz-Wirth/Rusinaitė

25. Jänner 2017

Analytical Report "Structural Indicators for Inclusive Systems in and around Schools"

Die Studie ist soeben im EU Book Shop erschienen:

NESET II - Analytical Report

"Structural Indicators for Inclusive Systems in and around Schools"

und wurde im Auftrag der Europäischen Kommission von den drei ForscherInnen der Neset II Gruppe Paul Downes (Dublin City University), Erna Nairz-Wirth (WU Wien) und Victorija Rusinaitė (PPMI Lithauen) verfasst.

Aus dem Inhalt:

"Since 1994, the European Commission has funded a considerable number of transnational research projects addressing issues of education and training. These collaborative research activities – some of them currently in progress– have produced important insights for policy formulation and have laid the foundations for significant research co-operation across Europe in this field.

This study reviews the findings of 20 such projects funded under the Sixth and Seventh European Framework Programmes for Research and Development (FP6 and FP7) that address education inequalities, their consequences and strategies to prevent or overcome them. It highlights concrete policies and practices that work to disrupt or prevent educational disadvantage and exclusion. It distils precious lessons for policy and practice from these research endeavours and sets out the supporting evidence."

Downes, P.; Nairz-Wirth, E.; Rusinaitė, V., Structural Indicators for Inclusive Systems in and around Schools, NESET II report, Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2017. Doi: 10.2766/200506.

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