Außenansicht der Executive Academy

Alexander Engelmann, Dr.

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Picture of Mag. Alexander Engelmann
Alexander Engelmann is an Assistant Professor at the ISM.

His research focuses on understanding why some companies excel in adapting to environmental dynamics, such as evolving technologies and sustainability demands, while others lag behind. His areas of focus encompass strategy processes, including dynamic capabilities and business model adaptation, as well as strategy practices like framing and communication, and how these processes and practices intersect to provide insights into firm adaptation. In recent projects, Alexander has delved into how firms within mature industries, such as automotive, navigate the transition from vertically integrated supply chains to platforms and corresponding ecosystems. Before returning to academia, Alexander accumulated professional experience in management consulting and held the role of a certified Work & Organization psychologist. He holds a Mag. rer. nat. (equivalent to a Master of Science) in Psychology from the University of Vienna and earned his PhD from the Vienna University of Economics and Business.    


+43 1 313 36 5131

Selected publications

Ortiz-Avram, D., Ovcharova, N., & Engelmann, A. (2023). Dynamic capabilities for sustainability: Toward a typology based on dimensions of sustainability-oriented innovation and stakeholder integration. Business Strategy and the Environment, 1–36.

Engelmann, A. (2023). A performative perspective on sensing, seizing, and transforming in small-and medium-sized enterprises. Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, 1-27.

Engelmann, A., Kump, B. and Schweiger, C. (2020). Clarifying the Dominant Logic Construct by Disentangling and Reassembling its Dimensions. International Journal of Management Reviews, 22(4), 323-355.

Kump, B., Engelmann, A., Kessler, A., & Schweiger, C. (2019). Toward a dynamic capabilities scale: measuring organizational sensing, seizing, and transforming capacities. Industrial and Corporate Change28(5), 1149-1172.