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Internationale Wissenschaftler im Bereich Strategy & Organization diskutieren regelmäßig ihre Forschung in unserem IOD-Forschungsseminar:

Ehemalige Gäste des IOD

Research visit of Prof. Thomas Fischer

23. Oktober 2023

We were pleased to host Prof. Thomas Fischer, Associate Professor of Responsible Leadership at the Université de Genève.

Thank you for the productive exchange of ideas and insights this week, Thomas!

Your work on leadership styles and conceptualization is both fascinating and crucial. You break down the current challenges in leadership research in a tenable way allowing for rich discussions about how to develop the field for the future.

Our discussions into research method design were very interesting and your concrete suggestions of how to reduce endogeneity issues in our ongoing research projects were highly valuable. We greatly enjoyed exchanging ideas about exploring methods common to other management specializations to enhance our research designs in both leadership and strategy.  

We look forward to staying in touch and our next opportunity to share ideas!

Weitere Gäste des IOD finden sie auf der Seite des Female Scholar program:

WU Female Scholar Program