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Track: SME Internationalization

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The IB Track "SME Internationalization" aims at students with a special interest in small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and their strategic internationalization. Students who have completed the SME track have insights and knowledge relevant at the intersection of IB and SME. They are able to assume in-depth perspectives on SME-related issues and have developed the corresponding skill-set and competencies necessary to succeed in an international environment.

SME internationalization creates both specific opportunities and challenges regarding strategy, markets and resources. The following topics will therefore be covered:

  • Course III applies a strategic risk taking on SME internationalization with emphasis on a) foreign exchange risk b) export & trade risks.

  • Course IV applies an external, or market perspective on SME internationalization. Courses focus on a) regional markets & industries or b) market selection & research.

  • Course V applies an internal, or resource perspective SME internationalization. Courses focus on a) financial or b) managerial skills & resources.

Admission to the SME track

All students admitted to the specialization International Business are eligible to complete the SME track and to obtain a certificate.
As part of the entry exam, students can indicate that they are interested in completing the track (simply by ticking a box).
Please note, indicating your interest is neither a commitment for students to complete the track nor a guarantee that they will eventually do so.

Requirements for successful completion of the SME track

The key prerequisite for completing the SME track is that the advanced seminars III, IV, and V incorporate aspects related to SME internationalization.
Each semester, IIB offers at least one of the Courses III, IV, and V, respectively, meeting this criterion. Such courses are labelled with “SME - Course” in WU’s course directory.
Please note that IIB does not offer any guaranteed slots for students in SME courses who indicated in the entry exam that they are interested in completing the track.
The number of available slots in SME courses is always contingent on student demand and in all courses will strictly be determined on a first-come-first-serve basis upon course registration.
No exceptions are made or priorities given to individual cases.
Courses completed abroad may equally qualify as SME courses, which ultimately is subject to approval.
These Courses need to fulfill the general accreditation criteria of the IB specialization and thus qualify as courses III, IV, or V. These courses also need to incorporate aspects of SME internationalization. The decision will be based on course outlines, literature lists, and any additional supporting materials provided by students and highlighting the relevant linkages to SME internationalization aspects. In cases of doubts, students need to clarify before going abroad whether or not a course will qualify as SME course. Please contact sbwlib@wu.ac.at.

Obtaining the certificate

Students who successfully completed the advanced courses III, IV, and V and/or equivalents from abroad in line with the above requirements, can request the SME track certificates. Please contact sbwlib@wu.ac.at.