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Overview & Contents

The ability to successfully manage in and across international markets is essential for leaders of all firms and organizations, and expertise in international business enhances career prospects across all functional tasks in management, from finance to marketing or human resource management. To develop those skills, one must possess a good understanding of the foundations of international business, the ability to tackle international challenges on both the organizational and individual levels, and competencies to apply international business knowledge.

The key area "From Culture to Leadership" emphasizes individual-level skills such as leadership or career design on an international level. Topics include international HR management, leadership, and data management skills. The key area "From Strategy to Functions" explores firm-level behavior and theoretical perspectives on company direction. Topics focus on managing multinational companies, international knowledge transfer, and regional strategies. The third key area, a project course, allows students to apply their knowledge in practice at the firm, industry, or country level. Collaborating with a partner, students work on real-life projects, gaining hands-on experience.

Besides in-depth knowledge within these three key areas, students are also provided with an understanding of the linkages and interrelations among and between these fields, leading to both a solid overview of international business and specialized knowledge. Additionally, students will acquire essential social skills and abilities, such as presentation expertise, effective communication, and teamwork skills. This is achieved by using a selected mix of teaching methods, including case studies, interactive discussions, teamwork assignments, seminars, and ongoing presentations.

Recommended Course of Studies

The program structure of the specialization International Business is flexible and allows students to complete course work within two or three semesters. The necessary prerequisite for taking the advanced seminars (courses 3-5) consists in completing the two basic courses (1-2) Foundations and Applications.

1st semester:Course 1 (basic course) - Foundations of International Business
Course 2 (basic course) - International Business Applications
2nd (or 3rd) semester:Course 3 - From Culture to Leadership
Course 4 - From Strategy to Functions
Course 5 - Project Course

Optional: Dedicated Tracks

The Institute for International Business offers two, non-mandatory, dedicated tracks within the IB spcialization. These tracks include the regular 1st semester courses 1 and 2 as well as dedicated 2nd (or 3rd) semester courses 3, 4 and 5. Students will receive an additional diploma certifying their participation in the respective track:

Central Europe Connect (CEC)

Sustainability in International Business (SIB)