Außenansicht der oberen Stockwerke der Executive Academy

Willkommen am Institut für Strategie, Technologie und OrganisationRSS


How to design innovative and adaptive organizations?

Adapting and innovating organizations is key to sustainable success. A new publication by Prof. Dr. Christopher Lettl and colleagues provides insights on the how-to.


Vienna Innovation Program 2023

WU students and international students joined the Vienna Innovation Program (VIP) for two weeks on campus.


Admission of Dr. Sonja Sperber to the ENGAGE.EU University Think Tank on Gender Inequalities

Dr. Sonja Sperber has been admitted to the ENGAGE.EU University Think Tank, which is a platform that aims to bring together researchers for an interdisciplinary dialogue of ideas on subjects of…


Alexander Staub wins Kauffman Best Student Paper award.

IfSTO team member Alexander Staub received the "Kauffman Best Student Paper on Information Systems, Innovation and Entrepreneurship - Runner Up" award at the ICIS 2022 in Copenhagen.

Participation at Symposium on “Leading and Misleading” at Rennes School of Business by Dr. Sonja Sperber

Symposium on “Leading and Misleading” at Rennes School of Business, inaugural event of the research programme “Organising Towards or Against Extinction? Past, Present and Future” on December 5th and…

Research Programm: Open Innovation
Erfahren Sie mehr zu unserem aktuellen Forschungsschwerpunkten im Bereich Open Innovation!
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