Priv.Doz. Dr. Stephan Leixnering
Priv.Doz. Dr. Stephan LEIXNERING
Biographical Sketch
2021–current: Deputy director, WU Vienna, Research Institute for Urban Management and Governance
2021: Habilitation in business administration (Priv.Doz.), WU Vienna
2016–current: Senior scientist, WU Vienna, Research Institute for Urban Management and Governance
2013–2015: WU Vienna, Institute for Organization Studies
2010–2013: WU Vienna, Institute for Public Management
2010: Doctorate degree in social and economic sciences (Dr. rer.soc.oec.), WU Vienna
Visiting professor at Mines Paris-PSL, research fellow at Zeppelin University; former visiting fellow at Stanford University and guest lecturer at Leibniz University Hanover
Deputy chair of the Austrian Association of Organization and Management (ÖVO)

(c) The London School of Economics and Political Science
Research Interests
Stephan’s research focuses on issues of organizational governance, the emergence of organizational forms, and ethical aspects of organization and management. He studies the coordination of public sector entities, cross-sector collaboration, and the role of the common interest in private-sector corporate governance. Stephan’s research explores an array of topics and empirical settings such as the management of inter-organizational arrangements in the public sector, board composition and compensation, city resilience, collective decision-making in crises, the "twin transition" of digitalization and sustainability, the sharing economy, the purpose of corporations as well as gender diversity on boards. With an educational background in business administration and ethics, he seeks to combine a philosophical approach with a perspective on organization and management theory grounded in the social sciences.
In the Media
Stephan's recent media appearences include the following:
Leixnering, Stephan, Doralt, Peter. 2023. Öffentliches Interesse zählt auch am Strompreismarkt. Gastkommentar, 29.10. Die Presse, 27–28.

(c) Raimo Rumpler
Research and Publications
Recent scholarly publications include:
Leixnering, Stephan, Höllerer, Markus, Polzer, Tobias, Schiffinger, Michael. 2025. The role of public auditing in delegated governance. Journal of Accounting and Public Policy (online).
Leixnering, Stephan, Doralt, Peter. 2024. Die Berücksichtigung des öffentlichen Interesses ist geboten, nicht verboten! Bemerkungen zu § 70 Abs 1 AktG aus Anlass der Energiepreiskrise. Der Gesellschafter: Zeitschrift für Gesellschafts- und Unternehmensrecht, 88–90.
Meyer, Renate, Leixnering, Stephan, Kornberger, Martin, Jancsary, Denis, Höllerer, Markus. 2024. Ernst Cassirer and the symbolic foundation of institutions. Journal of Management Studies, 81 (8), 3824–3842.
Muzio, Daniel, Dalpiaz, Elena, Jancsary, Dennis, Leixnering, Stephan, Höllerer, Markus, Phillips, Nelson, Kornberger, Martin, Meyer, Renate. 2024. Organizations, institutions, and symbols: Introduction to a Point-Counterpoint Conversation. Journal of Management Studies, 81 (8), 3786–3792.
Leixnering, Stephan, Meyer, Renate, Kornberger. Martin. 2023. Krisenbewältigung durch Städte: Denkfiguren zur kollektiven Handlungsfähigkeit. Leviathan: Berliner Zeitschrift für Sozialwissenschaft, 51 (Sonderband 41), 267–279.
Ayrault, Johanna, Jancsary, Dennis, Leixnering, Stephan, Gehman Joel, Gray, Barbara, Linnenluecke, Martina, Meyer, Elisabeth, Pavez, Ignacio. 2023. The relational dimension of tackling grand challenges: Debating collaboration and cooperation. Academy of Management Proceedings (online).
Leixnering, Stephan, Höllerer, Markus. 2022. “Remaining the same or becoming another?“ – Adaptive resilience versus transformative urban change. Urban Studies, 59 (6), 1300–1310.
Meyer, Renate, Leixnering, Stephan, Veldman, Jeroen, eds. 2022. The Corporation: Rethinking the iconic form of business organization (Research in the Sociology of Organizations, Vol. 78). Bingley: Emerald.
Meyer, Renate, Leixnering, Stephan, Veldman, Jeroen. 2022. Rethinking the corporation: Introduction. Research in the Sociology of Organizations, 78, 1–12.
Leixnering, Stephan, Meyer, Renate, Doralt, Peter. 2022. The past as prologue: Purpose dynamics in the history of the Aktiengesellschaft. Research in the Sociology of Organizations, 78, 97–120.
Mensi-Klarbach, Heike, Leixnering, Stephan, Schiffinger, Michael. 2021. The carrot or the stick: Self-regulation for gender-diverse boards via codes of good governance. Journal of Business Ethics, 170 (3), 577–593.
Leixnering, Stephan, Meyer, Renate, Polzer, Tobias. 2021. Hybrid coordination of city organizations: The rule of people and culture in the shadow of structures. Urban Studies, 8 (14), 2933–2951.
Kornberger, Martin, Leixnering, Stephan, Meyer, Renate. 2019. The logic of tact: How decisions happen in situations of crisis. Organization Studies. 40 (2), 239–266.
Kornberger, Martin, Leixnering, Stephan, Meyer, Renate, Höllerer, Markus. 2018. Rethinking the sharing economy: The nature and organization of sharing in the 2015 refugee crisis. Academy of Management Discoveries, 4 (3), 314–335.
Meyer, Renate, Höllerer, Markus, Leixnering, Stephan. 2018. A question of value(s): Political connectedness and executive compensation in public sector organizations. International Public Management Journal, 21 (3), 477–500.
Recent popular-science publications include:
Leixnering, Stephan. 2021. Management in der Krise? Vom taktvollen Umgang mit Menschen. WAS, 114, 111–123.
Leixnering, Stephan. 2020. Eigentum verpflichtet: Ist der plurale Corporate Purpose wirklich eine Selbstverständlichkeit? zfo – zeitschrift führung + organisation, 89 (4), 247–249. Wien: Linde International.
Recently published teaching material:
Leixnering, Stephan, Meyer, Renate. 2023. Governance. In Mayrhofer, Wolfgang, Furtmüller, Gerhard, Kasper, Helmut, eds. Personalmanagement – Führung – Organisation (6th ed.).
Soule, Sarah, Leixnering, Stephan, Höllerer, Markus, Sutherland, Margot. 2020. Erste Group: Transformation of a Banking House – Change, Leadership, Space. Boston, MA: Harvard Business Publishing Education.
A comprehensive list of research projects in which Stephan Leixnering is involved as well as a list of his publications can be found in the PURE documentation.

(c) David Bohmann
Editorial Activities
Stephan holds editorial positions in various journals:
European Management Review (editor)
Organization Studies (editorial board)
WAS – Zeitschrift zum Vor-, Mit- und Nachdenken (editorial board)
zfo – zeitschrift führung + organisation (editorial board)
Undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral courses at WU Vienna:
Gesellschaftlicher Kontext wirtschaftlichen Handelns – Zukunft des Wirtschaftens II: Dimensionen ‚guter‘ Corporate Governance
Grundlagen wissenschaftlichen Arbeitens
Kompetenzfeld: Organizational Governance und Corporate Communication
Kompetenzfeld: Steuerung und Management von öffentlichen und Non-Profit-Organisationen
Masterarbeit Defensio
SBWL Ethics for Management, Organizations and Society III: Values and Organization
SBWL Organisation II: Organisationsanalyse und -gestaltung
SBWL Public und Nonprofit Management I: Public Governance: Konzepte und Theorien der Steuerung öffentlicher und Nonprofit Organisationen
SBWL Public und Nonprofit Management II: Konzepte und Instrumente des Public und Nonprofit Management
SBWL Public und Nonprofit Management IV: Projekt- und Methodenseminar
SBWL Public und Nonprofit Management IV/V: Public Corporate Governance
Standards wissenschaftlichen Arbeitens und Zitierens
Thesis seminar: How to write a thesis
Wahlfach Public Management: Public Management I – Public Corporate Governance
Wahlfach: Public Management

(c) Leibniz University Hanover