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Prof. Pasquale Pistone

Photograph: Prof. Pasquale Pistone

Prof. Pasquale Pistone is a member of the Institute for Austrian and International Tax Law, was appointed in 2005 EURYI-ESF professor of European and International Tax Law and currently holds an ad personam Jean-Monnet Chair in European Tax Law and Policy at WU until 2013. The focus of his legal research with interdisciplinary exposure is on European tax law, (including, in particular, relations with third countries), tax treaties (including, in particular, fiscal transparency and exchange of information), taxation and the environment, and relations with developing countries.

In his current research, he also examines the impact of European law on international tax law, supporting the need for establishing an integrated approach to cross-border taxation within Europe, under a new scientific discipline, named European international tax law. Within the Doctoral Program, he will encourage and support young researchers and doctoral students to add to existing research in those fields.

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