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Florian Nagler is Engelbert-Dockner-Fellow at the Institute for Capital Market Research (ISK)

We are pleased to welcome Florian Nagler as Engelbert Dockner Fellow at the Research Institute for Capital Markets (ISK). Professor Nagler will visit WU from October 29 to November 26, 2023.


Youchang Wu is Engelbert-Dockner-Fellow at the Institute for Capital Market Research (ISK)

We are pleased to welcome Youchang WU as Engelbert Dockner Fellow at the Research Institute for Capital Markets (ISK). Professor Wu will visit WU from August 8 to September 12, 2023.

[Translate to English:] WU D4

Award for excellent and innovative teaching 2023

The teaching awards for innovative and excellent teaching are presented annually by the Vice-Rector for Academic Programs and Student Affairs and the Austrian Students' Union (ÖH). This year, too, the…

[Translate to English:] Amberger

New associate professor - Harald Amberger

Harald Amberger, PhD, (Business Taxation Group) was given the venia docendi on June 6, 2023, in the field of business administration. Congratulation!

[Translate to English:] Edith Littich

Edith Littich was appointed University Ombudswoman

On 1 June 2023, Edith Littich (Institute for Finance, Banking and Insurance) was appointed University Ombudswoman by Federal Education Minister Martin Polaschek. The university ombudsperson is the…

[Translate to English:] D4

TALENTA Award for Accounting Bachelor's Thesis

This year, our Department Finance, Accounting and Statistics was successful in the TALENTA Awards 2023.

DL 2023

Dockner Lectures 2023 - Ron Giammarino

In memory of Prof. Engelbert Dockner, the University of Vienna, the Vienna University of Technology and the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration have founded the "Dockner…


Ron Giammarino is Engelbert-Dockner-Fellow at the Institute for Capital Market Research (ISK)

We are pleased to welcome Ron Giammarino as Engelbert Dockner Fellow at the Research Institute for Capital Markets (ISK). Professor Giammarino will visit WU from May 21 to June 12, 2023.


Josef Zechner as Keynote Speaker at the Irish Academy of Finance 4th Annual Conference 2023

Josef Zechner gave a keynote talk at the Irish Academy of Finance 4th Annual Conference 2023 in Limerick, Ireland on May 12, 2023. Numerous participants attended his talk on the topic of “Social…

Hanspal Tobin

Researcher of the Month: Tobin Hanspal, Institute for Finance, Banking and Insurance

The title Researcher of the Month is awarded every month as a special recognition and appreciation of the research achievements of the distinguished person.