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Public Lecture: Luoma-aho Vilma


”Communication & Disinformation – 4 windows of attack” | Prof. Luoma-aho Vilma | 17:00, room D2.2.228

 *Please register for the event: bizcomm.lectures@wu.ac.at


This talk introduces the novel thinking of Digital Media Arenas (DMA), a broadening of the PESO-model into strategic communication and the uncontrolled world of new forms of digital influence and AI. Building on the case example of the famous Finnish prime minister Sanna Marin, the DMAs are examined, and the crises case of Marin’s partying is analyzed. The Partying-crisis of 2022 is approached through the crisis crossing over from one arena to another, and the implications they caused and individuals they engaged beyond original scope are discussed.


Luoma-aho Vilma, Professor / Professori — Jyväskylän yliopiston kauppakorkeakoulu (jyu.fi)

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